
Friday, January 20, 2012

Juggling Writing and Family

Right now I’m working on building two blogs, designing t-shirts and various other fun things for my new online store, trying to finish a challenging writing project, taking care of two kids, and taking care of various household chores such as dishes and laundry.  Whew!

Sleep is expendable as long as I have coffee.

I’ve developed routine that helps me keep somewhat on track with my goals.  I work on my online store while the baby is taking his afternoon nap.  My toddler plays in the same room with me while I work so I can still keep an eye on him.

After the baby wakes up and eats, I put him in his swing and we all listen to music together.  The kids both love it, and that’s when I typically organize my thoughts for my blog posts.  Sometimes I even manage to get them written during this time.

Once the kids are asleep for the night, I fold laundry, which was washed sometime during the day whenever I had a spare moment.  Although I try to do dishes after each meal, it doesn’t always happen.  If they haven’t been done to this point, then this is when I do them.  Finally, I pick up the kids toys.  After that, I settle down to work on my writing project for a couple of hours until my husband gets home from work.

Any other housework I try to get done during the day, and whatever hasn’t been done during the week, is set aside for the weekend.

Busy, busy days.  I’m not perfect, but juggling family while trying to launch a legitimate writing career was never going to be easy.

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