
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Trouble with Tots

It’s been a little while since I last posted, at least for me.  When I promised myself to post as often as possible, I knew some days might get too hectic.  Oh well.

I’ve been busy writing, and now I think my short story is going to be a short novel.  Other than that, I’m pleased with the way it’s going.  Today has also presented its obstacles for my writing in general, although I’m still making the time to write about it.  My two year old son spilled water on my notebook that has a lot of my writing notes in it.  I remained calm, knowing that it would dry, although some of the words were nicely washed off the page.  These things happen.  That's why it's a good idea to have back ups for everything when possible.  

At least he didn’t spill the water on my keyboard.

I always find myself having to rescue my writing from my kids in one way or another, but ultimately they’re the ones who inspire me most.  All in a day’s work, I suppose.

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