
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Final Blog Me MAYbe! And A New Baby!

May I tell you about someone else?

This is the final post for the Blog Me MAYbe blogfest!  It's going to feel strange, because I've gotten quite used to writing these entries.  Oh well!  We all must move onto new things.  I'm excited to start my new posting schedule, and I have all new graphics to go along with it!

Anyway, the end of this month also came with a new addition to our family.  It was nice to go to the hospital to see a new baby knowing that I wasn't the person in labor.  The new mommy in question is my sister-in-law, which means I'm an aunt!

My nephew Asher was born Friday, May 25, 2012.  He weighed 8lbs. 7oz.  And he is cute!  I can't say much more about him, because he's brand new.  But that's okay.  We have years to get to know each other.  My boys are excited about getting to play with him, but convincing my oldest that it'll be awhile before he's big enough to wrestle might take some work.

I also want to say that my husband was so funny about this whole thing.  He LOVES babies.  Each time he sees one, he gets excited and automatically starts talking in high-pitched baby talk.  He's eager to hold any new baby.  I find this amusing because, while he always told me he wanted to have children, the idea of taking care of a baby used to scare him.  It wasn't until our first child was born that he got used to the idea.  Now he's crazy about babies.  I guess that just means I'm lucky.


  1. Congrats on the new family addition! Such a cutie!

  2. What a real sweetie. Congratulation on the happy news. When he's old enough get him a Spock bear, lol.

  3. Congrats, auntie! What a handsome boy. :)

  4. Congratulations! Awww... I love babies! The reason they're so cute is so you bond with them while they're young -- that way you won't kill them when they're teenagers, lol!

    And by the way: I've awarded you a "Stylish Blogger" award -- check out my blog for the details!

  5. Aww! He's so cute! And I love the name Asher. :)

  6. Congratz on becoming an aunt! I've been one 22 times over since I was really young, but I'm not a mom. You've got that one on me.

    What a cute baby and a cool name for the little guy...;)
