
Monday, May 14, 2012

First Loves Blogfest!

Welcome to my blog, where I will tell you about my first loves.  It seems a bit intimidating to open myself up to you this much, but I'm up to the challenge.

First up: film.  It's safe to say I love a lot of films, and there are those I loved as a child, but the love didn't last over time.  I decided to choose one that I loved from childhood, and continue to love to this day.

The Dark Crystal (1982)

I was born in 1985, so this came out a little before my time, but it was a film that my dad always loved.  We've watched it together many times over the years.  The story is the classic good vs. evil, but the sets are so beautiful and strange that I can't help but immerse myself in the experience.  To me, it doesn't come across as a 'been there, done that" movie experience.  The music is also phenomenal.

Next up, is favorite song or band.  I'll briefly share both so I can demonstrate the odd spectrum that represents my musical love.  There are some kinds of music that I simply don't get into, but the ones I do love are all over the place.  My first favorite song was Joy to the World by Three Dog Night.  It's upbeat and happy, and hearing it always put me in a good mood.

My first love as far as a band goes was Metallica.  They have a great sound, and I just plain love their stuff.  During my middle school years, they were my favorite by far.  The Metallica song Nothing Else Matters was the first song my husband and I danced to at our wedding.  Ah, memories.

I still love Metallica to death, although I also have a profound love for The Beatles too, and they may well be my favorite nowadays.

So much great music, so little time.

The first book I remember loving as a child was The Night Book by Mark Strand and William Pene Du Bois.  The illustrations were well done, and there's never been a time when I didn't love the night.

The first adult novel I ever loved was Jurassic Park by Micheal Crichton.  I read it when I was eleven.  Though I was a bit too young to understand the more scientific parts of the novel, I felt so grown up reading it, and I absolutely loved the story.  I mean, come on.  Dinosaurs!  How could you go wrong?

Now, my first love.  The answer would depend upon the kind of love you mean.

If puppy love is an acceptable answer, that takes me back to Kindergarten.  Yes, many people might not count their Kindergarten boyfriends, but you don't understand.  This was special.  This little boy named Adam used to chase me around the playground, and when he caught me, he would kiss me.  He even asked me to marry him when we were in first grade.  Come to think of it, we never officially got un-engaged.  Hmmm . . .

And he only kissed two other girls (that I know of) while we were together.  Let's face it, that's better than some full grown men do.

Then came Jerry O'Connell in Sliders.  My first celebrity crush, and my first glimpse of what puberty meant.  He was cute, and he played Quinn Mallory, a geeky science genius who traveled through dimensions. How could I not fall for that?

Anyway, the first "I can trust you with anything, I know you'll always be there for me" kind of love would have to go to my husband.  He is, after all, the father of my children for a reason.  He's geeky in all the right ways, and I also think he's cute, though he playfully insists he's not.


  1. Lovely firsts, enjoyed reading your posting

  2. I didn't actually watch Dark Crystal for the first time until a few years ago. My girls like it though. When I was growing up my little brother was addicted to Metallica, I learned the Sandman song by him singing it to me at night before I ever actually heard the song from the band.

  3. I've never seen Dark Crystal, but I've heard a lot about it. Great firsts!

  4. You're the second person to list Jurassic Park as a first book love. I have that one but I've never read it. I love all Michael Crichton's books. I sure miss him.

  5. grand choices... grand i say!

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  6. I remember seeing the Dark Crystal! It was very strange and beautiful.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  7. I watched the Dark Crystal so many times with my kids I couldn't begin to keep count. I love Michael Crichton as a writer. Oh yes, celeb crushes are so great! My first celeb crush was Captain James T. Kirk (didn't always have a T for Tiberius middle name though!)! I thought he was amazing. By the way, the blue on the black background on this site is REALLY hard to read (at least on my computer...)

  8. The Dark Crystal! The puppets! It's right up there with Labyrinth. Though I haven't watched the former quite as much as the latter. For some reason we keep quoting that creepy Skeksi. Mmmmmmm. ^_^

    I recall reading Jurassic Park (probably around the same age too). Though I loved the dinosaurs, I found it kind of boring and went straight back to my fantasy novels.

  9. The Mighty Met! Excellent choice. I was in college when you were born. Wow do I feel old now.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  10. What a cute story about your kindergarten boyfriend! That is so adorable. And, yeah, kissing only 2 other girls while you were together is better than a lot of grown men, lol.

  11. yummy sexy science nerds are totally my thing too! LOL.

  12. Nothing else matters! I adore this song!

    Sharing the Love!
    English Speaking Zone

  13. Metallica, yes! I used to listen to them when I played Muds in high school. hehe. Dark Crystal, Jurassic Park and Sliders.. all equally awesome :)


  14. What a cute kindergarten story! :) Ahh puppy love.
