
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blogspiration 9: Listen to the Commentary

Blogspiration is brought to you by Saz 101 and Growing Up YA.  The goal is to inspire thought and dialogue by posting something that ignites that creative spark.

This week I bring you a quote that got me thinking.  

Our waking hours form the text of our lives, our dreams, the commentary.

As someone who loves documentaries and listening to the commentary for beloved TV shows, this quote makes perfect sense to me.  The commentary track gives you an insight into the dreams of others.  The narrator of a story gives you access to the dreams of your characters.

When you sleep, your dreams can clue you in to the things that are bothering you.

Listen to your dreams.  Whether they be the dreams that come when you sleep or the ones that tell you where you want to be, they have meaning.  As the commentary track to your life, you can use those dreams to look at what you're doing, and you may even learn how to best pursue your goal.  


  1. I used to keep a dream log that I periodically look at. It does give me inspiration for stories and sparks my imagination. Whole books have been written from a dream idea.

  2. I don't believe in coincidence. I'm quite sure this message reached me at just the right time. I am reading a book that touches down on the importance of dreaming. It states that dreams are the soul's way of working through problems that have already been dismissed by our conscious. Dreams are like the soul's way of saying: Wait I wasn't done processing that yet!!

    L.G., you truly are an inspiration!

  3. "Listen to your dreams. Whether they be the dreams that comes when you sleep or the ones that tell you where you want to be, they have meaning."

    Oh goodness... L.G... I seriously have chills reading this. I ADORE. I can't even explain. But thank you thank you THANK YOU for sharing this.

  4. I always listen to and try to decifer what my "commentary" is saying. It has helped me solve plenty of problems. Insightful post. Thanks. :)

  5. This is such an interesting quote. I love it! I try not to ramble on about dreams with other people, since they rarely find the inner workings of my subconscious as interesting as I do, but my Mum and I are always swapping dream-stories. I so wish I was able to lucid dream though. I know you're supposed to be able to teach yourself, but I've never managed it.

  6. This post means a lot to me!! I really love your thoughts on listening to dreams. Sometimes I forget to do that when I am so focused on the "now" and what's in front of me. There's something magical and freeing about dreaming!!

    I really love this post :)
