
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hanging Around

All right.  Now it's time for me to leave you hanging with the second portion of the Hookers and Hangers Blogfest.  Thank you to the lovely ladies of Falling For Fiction for coordinating such a fun event!

Though I posted a hooker for each chapter, I can't post a hanger for each one.  This book is still a work in progress, and for some reason, I often write the beginning of the next chapter before I finish the one before.  Maybe that's why I feel so scatter-brained most of the time.

Still, only three are required, but I'll post all of them I have so far.

I hope you enjoy, and honest opinions are more than welcome!

Chapter 1:  It gave us very little to hold on to, which I suppose was the whole point.

Chapter 2:  "That’s the way it’s always been."

Chapter 3:  It wasn’t so simple to reconcile what he said with the teachings I grew up with, but if it were a choice, I knew which sentiments I’d rather believe. 

Chapter 4:  That’s what I tried to tell myself, anyway.

Chapter 5:  If I really did want to make a new life for myself, I needed to face the truth about how I felt.

Chapter 6:  Happiness swelled inside me, and I slept more soundly than ever.

Chapter 7:  Ellis was the dreaded wolf.

Chapter 11:  "If the government ever finds out about what they’ve been doing, their lives are over."

Chapter 12:  A powerful warmth blossomed inside me as my ears rang with the sound of gunfire.

Chapter 13:  Now my life depended on going back.


  1. Just from these lines I get the distinct impression this is a really dramatic and action-packed story. nice work :)

    Chapter 1's line is probably my favourite.

  2. I love the variety of emotions, thoughts, and directions these took me in. Nice job!

  3. They're all very well done. They become more intriguing as you get further down the list.

  4. I really love the first and last one. These are great! Well done!

  5. Oh man these are really good. and I agree with Lisa, the 1st and last were best :)

  6. Excellent hangers! I really liked Chapter 11!

  7. I agree with Stina's comment, above; I especially liked the ones for chapters 11 and 12. But I thought the one for the first chapter was intriguing...I envisioned folks dangling from a cliff, with that one, for some reason.
    Some Dark Romantic

  8. These pulled me right into the next chapters. The last one got me the most!

  9. I do the same thing sometimes! Start the next chapter before ending the first, that way I know where I have to get to :) But then, my hookers and my hangers are very messy!
    Great hangers--#3 is my favorite!

  10. These all really have me intrigued about the story. My fav is #7. Thanks for participating!!!

  11. "Chapter 5: If I really did want to make a new life for myself, I needed to face the truth about how I felt."

    Well said!

  12. Chapters 4 and 5 keep the middle from dragging. Turning points for the MC always keep me reading:)

  13. The last one hits me the most, but I enjoy them all!

  14. I love chapter 4 the best. But they're all very good!

  15. These are really good, but chapter 7 is my favorite! :)

  16. Now after Chapter 15 I'd have to turn the page and see if the gunfire made her warm bc it killed a bad guy or she was shot!

  17. Great hangers! I think my faves are 7, 12 and 13!

  18. My favorites are 7 and 12. :) Now I want to read the book that goes along with these.

  19. I like 5, 12, and 13 best. Hangers are hard, aren't they????

  20. I really like Chapter 6. I have notice this in other hangers including my own around chapter 6-10 there is a point where the MC is kind of ok with it all and then the next chapter, the ball drops again. I think we are doing something right. Nice job.

  21. I really like 3! It makes me wanna know what the teachings are.

  22. Some great hangers here! #3 was really catching.

  23. Incredible hangers! They'd keep me reading on to the next chapters.

  24. love the government one! wonder what they are doing. great hangers!

  25. Oh, they're all awesome, but I'm loving the last one!!!

  26. Sorry I'm getting here so late! Life... ya know :) haha.

    That first one is beautiful. Very well written :)
