
Monday, July 30, 2012

My Lofty Weekly Goals

For once, I'm going into the start of the week with a set of goals already in mind. Hopefully I can actually push myself to meet them.  Then again, I'll have good motivation behind me.  Pleiades will never let me hear the end of it if I don't come through in the end.

Pleiades:  You always make me sound so mean.

Me:  Well, you can be sometimes.

Pleiades:  I'm not any worse than you!

Yeah, she's probably right about that.  I won't lie.  While I may not always be as pleasant as a bed of roses, I can be as prickly as one at times, and maybe I can use that to my advantage.  If I can channel my frustrations into my writing rather than unleashing them into the world around me, I can probably accomplish just about anything.

Anyway, my first goal is to post a flash piece for the weekly prompt provided by Flash Fiction Flourish.  I plan to have it posted on Tuesday for my Tuesday Treat.  I already have it started, so that shouldn't be much of a problem.

I also plan to, as always, have a new flash fiction piece posted by Friday.  I have a couple ideas for that, but I haven't dug into it yet.  Don't worry, though.  I will.  I haven't missed one yet.

I also hope to generate ideas for anther flash fiction piece.  Though my last submission to Daily Science Fiction was rejected, that isn't enough to deter me.  I plan to submit another flash fiction piece in the near future.  And if it too is rejected? Well, I'll have something to either resubmit elsewhere or share here for my Friday post.  Either way, rejection can be a bit discouraging, but I can't let it stop me.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I am in the middle of writing a short story called "The Dream Factory."  This is going to be a part of the novel I plan to self-publish.  My goal is to have a rough draft completed by the end of the week.  Once I do that, I plan to have a couple of people read it for me so I can get some feedback.  

Now that I have my goals laid out here, it all seems more daunting than it did in my head.  Oh well.  I have to believe that I can do this.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the goals. It seems like a lot of work for one week.
