
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Sweet Tuesday

This is going to be a lazy week for me.  I should probably warn you about that.  With it being a holiday week, which my husband has off, nothing is going to be normal for me.  Yes, I'm still sticking to my posting schedule, though I doubt I'm going to be doing anything elaborate.

I just thought I would quickly share this one thing that I saw on Facebook.  After reading, feel free to let me know what you think of it.  Do you think it's just meant to scare someone, or do you think it's actually true?  If true, do you think it's justifiable or not?

Taken from George Takei

Personally, I find it funny.  If you steal from others, it can always come back to bite you.


  1. Hope you have a great holiday week.


  2. Haha what a brilliant idea! I find that funny too, perfect revenge.
    I empathise, it is really annoying when people steal your food! It happens where I work all the time.

  3. OH WOW!! Definitely enough to make someone stop and think that's for sure! Probably just to scare the living daylight out of the brownie bandits!! LOL!

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday L.G!

  4. That is definitely funny! :) Have a good holiday and time with the hubby. :)

  5. That is pretty danged funny. Though I'd probably be seriously rabid if someone were stealing *my* brownies - no one would be laughing, then. :-D
    Some Dark Romantic
