
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What's the Word?

I know that lately I've been posting a lot about word play, but I found some fun pictures that fit the theme of word play nicely.  Besides, it's a holiday.  I'm giving myself a little permission to be lazy.

Taken from WomanFreebies

Taken from Pinterest

Taken from Fantasy and Sci-Fi Rocks My World

Taken from George Takei

Taken from The Dork Side

Since I'm posting this on Independence Day, it seemed like the day to be thinking of the good ol' red, white, and blue.  Just remember to behave responsibly, otherwise you may be singing a different tune about those same colors.

Taken from The Dork Side

Feel free to let me know in the comments section which words you got and whether or not you think they describe you.  It's kind of fun.  It told me I'm elegant, but I don't think that's true.

To those of you who live in America, have a great holiday.  To everyone else, have a great day!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. WOW!!! Parts! You're right! I've been told I've been missing a few parts.. actually they used the term screws but who cares!!! HAHA! This was a nice post! Full of fun!!

  3. I like the Bert and Ernie one. :)
    I got elegant, too! (Don't know if it applies to me, either.) :) I also got loyal, love, and insecure. Not too far off actually.

  4. these were so funny, thanks for sharing.

    I got patient, elegant, peaceful, prey.. i dont wanna be prey! :) hehehe.

    Congrats on the big 100!!!


  5. LOL, "Sherbert!" :-)

    I'm passionate, naive, and sweet. Supposedly. ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  6. I got lazy, passionate, thoughtful and sweet! Haha, pretty much!

  7. I love the one about the red, white, and blue flashing behind you! Thanks for the chuckle. Revisions are sucking the life out of me and I need every chuckle I can get!
