
Monday, August 20, 2012

Blogspiration 13: Write the Book You Want to Read

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by Growing Up YA and Saz 101.  The goal is to spark inspiration and discussion by posting a little something.

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I'm really into quotes lately.  Well, I always have been, but now I feel like I'm really trying to find my path as a writer.  Who better to learn from than those who've taken a similar path in life?

This quote stuck out for me, because I do try to write books I would want to read. How can you pour that much time and effort into something that you don't feel passionate about?  However, that's only one meaning I took away from this quote.

From another angle, it seems like a challenge.

If you think that a story needs to be told from a certain perspective, or if you think of a plot that needs to be shared with the world, why don't you make it happen?  Writers are people who decided that they had something to share, and they worked until they made their dream a reality.

Why can't that be me?


  1. Mmmmhmmm...And write it quick! I really love this quote because it's true. It also makes everything that much more refreshing!!

  2. "From another angle, it seems like a challenge."

    L.G. ... I LOVE this. And SERIOUSLY, I can't wait to read what you write. Not even kidding ;)

  3. Hear, hear! After I read this post, I thought about why I've written the stuff I've written, and I realize that I'm just so in love with my characters, and they stuff they get up to...maybe that's a bit weird, but it's so me! :-) So yeah, L.G. - I'm with ya!!!
    Some Dark Romantic

  4. Hi!
    I just came across your site and it is really lovely! I happily followed you (GFC) and will enjoy reading your updates. You can find me over at Rainy Day Reads, It would be great if you could stop by and I would love to have a fellow book lover as a new follower.
    Christine x
    Rainy Day Reads
