
Monday, September 10, 2012

What's Your Chocolate?

Chocolate is undoubtedly one of the most amazing foods the world has to offer. It can change your mood when you're having a bad day.  It can elevate a day that's already awesome. That's why I couldn't resist the opportunity to celebrate this amazing culinary delight.

This blogfest is hosted by Ciara Knight, M. Pax, Laura Eno, and Brinda Berry.

What does this blogfest entail?  Anything you want, really.  You can post anything about your favorite chocolate.  This can include where or when you like to eat it, any special meaning it may have to you, a memory associated with it-anything!

Without a doubt, I've had many amazing chocolate experiences in my lifetime. When I went to Europe, I sampled a variety of Swiss chocolates that were ridiculously good.  They had nuts, raisins, fillings of every kind.  I had Austrian chocolate with a green filling that I couldn't identify.  So many unique chocolates, and I loved them all.

However, I can't have those exotic kinds of chocolate every day.  I decided to highlight a chocolate experience that I can access at home.  I have to say that my favorite kind of chocolate is dark chocolate.  It's flavor is rich and deep, and it isn't overly sweet.  It has the right amount of tang that keeps me coming back for me.  And when the dark chocolate has raspberry filling, it's extraordinary!  Love it, love it, love it!

I prefer to eat my raspberry-filled dark chocolate with a fresh cup of dark roast coffee.  The depth of flavor of dark roast coffee beans pairs perfectly with the tone of the dark chocolate.  I have fond memories of consuming this delectable combination outside of one of my favorite coffee shops.  Sitting at that little table with a notebook in hand, I was set up for a perfect afternoon.

Darn it, now I want some chocolate!  Too bad I don't have any in the house right now.  I knew it was chocolate day.  I should have been prepared for this.

There are lots of people participating in this yummy blogfest, so feel free to hop around and devour every scrumptious morsel you can!  Chocolate can make any Monday feel special.


  1. Oh, yes. Chocolate and coffee together! Yummy.

  2. "Darn it, now I want some chocolate! Too bad I don't have any in the house right now."

    How funny! As I was reading about your Swiss Chocolate experience, I was wanting chocolate, and just now realized: I don't have any either!! :-O
    Probably a good thing, actually, after reading about everyone's favorite chocolates, LOL!

  3. You are a woman after my own heart with raspberry-filled chocolate. I love that combination. It's nice to meet another chocolate lover. I've added you to my blog reading list!

  4. Damn, I need to find some chocolate to eat NOW! But I finished the only bar of dark chocolate I had last night...

  5. I love the chocolate and coffee combo!

  6. I'm with Dana! The chocolate/coffee together sound yummy!!!

  7. Oh no. And here I am without a chocolate fix. Better run to the store or make something with cocoa in it.

    I gave you a Shout-Out on my blog today. :)

  8. My wedding cake was dark chocolate and raspberry. I love that combo. Yum. And dark chocolate for me, too.

  9. I had the best chocolate in Europe. Yum!

  10. What you said, sounds good. Raspberry and chocolate go very well together.

    New follower, nice to meet you. My choice: Dark chocolate with coffee.

  11. Hehehe! I feel the same as you. I wish I had prepared myself with chocolate for today. One day I want to tour Europe and try all sorts of chocolate.

  12. I'm not a fan of dark chocolate, but I do love raspberries in milk chocolate!
    Catherine Stine’s Idea City

  13. I love chocolate with raspberry filling!

  14. Hmm chocolate with raspberry filling huh, never heard of it, but it sounds good!

  15. I agree, there is something special about European chocolate, although I don't eat much chocolate in general. I do like the mixes of chocolate and other flavors though

  16. Mmmmm! Chocolate and coffee. I want some now. Who needs lunch?

  17. I have tried Swiss Chocolate and it was wonderful, and I think an aunt of mine brought back chocolate from a Euopean country once, like Austria or such and I can remember it being nice!

  18. Raspberry filled chocolate I'd try. Not too sure about the mystery green center though...

  19. Green filling? Hmm. Well, I'll try anything once. :) Thanks for joining the blogfest!

    Laura Eno

  20. I like my chocolate in the form of a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream on top :)

  21. I love dark chocolate! It has to be at least 70% cocoa.

  22. Dark chocolate + MINT!! I love Peppermint Patties!

  23. I'm not a chocolate fan at all, so when it comes to mixing fruit and chocolate I always ask, "Why must people ruin good fruit with chocolate???" Haha.

    Just stopping by from the Chocolate Blog Hop and saying hi.
