
Monday, October 22, 2012

Letting Go Bloghop

Today is the "Letting Go" Bloghop.  Kyra Lennon is hosting this awesome event to celebrate the release of her novella If I Let You Go.  The story sounds great, and the blogging event sounded fun, so I decided to jump in and give it a go.

The demands are simple.  You merely need to describe a time you had to let something go, or if it feels too personal, compose a piece of flash fiction about letting go.  The limit is 500 words.

Simple enough, right?  If you haven't decided to join in yet, there's still plenty of time.  We don't bite.  I promise!

Anyway, I decided to do something a bit strange.  I felt compelled to write a poem.  I hope that's okay with everyone involved.  I just felt poetic when I sat down to do this.  The finished poem came out in four parts, so I decided to put the words to pictures.  Maybe it's odd, but I feel like pictures add so much to the meaning.  At least for me they do.

The poem, in a nutshell, is about the doubts I've had as a writer and how I struggled with them.  Then, when my mother died last year at 47, I knew I had to let go of my doubts because none of us know how much time we have left.

I hope you enjoy it!

Image Credits: 
Picture #1: Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /
Picture #2: Image courtesy of zirconicusso /
Picture #3: Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /
Picture #4: Image courtesy of xedos4 /


  1. I think poems can say it all. Well done :)

  2. Awesome poem! I too want to let go of doubts in my head, so I can be a great wife, mother & writer.

  3. That is an amazing poem - I loved it, and it certainly fits brilliantly with the theme! Thanks for joining in! :D

  4. Brilliant writing, we all have doubts and something happens to make us realise that we have to go for it.

  5. Great poem! I loved the pics too. Wonderful stuff you have here.

  6. Marvelous poem! Original way of presenting it too.

  7. Very creative way of presenting your entry! Great job!

  8. I liked the way you made art of your poetry. I enjoyed the words, too.

  9. Saying hello from the blog hop. So sorry to hear about your loss.

  10. Beautiful words... so bittersweet... and eye-catching visuals to match!
    I'm visiting from the blog hop.

  11. loved the poem and the pics that you put them in, very creative! new follower and blog hopping...hi!

  12. That was really nice and has a great feeling about it. I loved the way you matched it with the pictures too. Very creative entry!
