
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Spooktoberfest Runner Up!

Happy Halloween!

Now, this is just a quick post.  I have another post I'm working on that's also Halloween-related, but I wanted to stop in to say something before I move on to what I was doing.

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.  It's just a wicked fun atmosphere of scary things, vivid imagination, and a great excuse to eat candy!  Even as an adult, I don't think I'll ever tire of the fun.  I get an excuse to go trick-or-treating all over again now that I have kids, and it's always interesting to see all the neat costumes people come up with.

In the last year, though, I found something else to love about this holiday.  The blogfests!  Bloggers just love to celebrate with awesome themed posts and contests, and it's been awesome.

I think Spooktoberfest was some of the best fun I had with Halloween blogging this year.  Thanks to Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests for hosting it!  Writing my entry was especially fun (in a demented sort of way), and I was delighted to learn today that my entry "Carving" was selected as one of Jackie's runners-up. Woohoo for me!  With all the not-so-good luck I've been contending with, it's good to have such a great Halloween surprise!

The talented winners and other runners-up deserve acknowledgement, so I'll also mention them here.  Von L. Cid @ The Growing Writer was selected as Dani's winner for his chilling story "Randomness."  Seriously, I had this story in my head when I took my kids trick-or-treating last night.  Scary!  Jackie chose Mina Lobo @ Some Dark Romantic as her winner for the fun and clever story "Crocked."  It's seriously funny stuff!

Dani's runners up were One Magic Bean Buyer for "Veil Hill" and Tiffany Reads for "The Dare."  Jackie also awarded Von L. Cid with a runner-up position.  What can I say?  "Randomness" tapped into something terrifying!

Congratulations to everyone!  Keep up the amazing writing!

I'll be back later today with my Wednesday post.


  1. Congrats on being a runner-up! Happy Halloween! :D

  2. IT was such an amazing turn out and I was so happy with everyones entries. Your piece was superb and had me grabbing at my stomach. You have a knack for writing that's for sure. Keep up the great work!

  3. Happy Halloween, and congratulations!

    Such a wonderful story, humor and horror! Loved it!

  4. Congratulations, you deserve it, your story was great! :)
