
Monday, November 5, 2012

A Busy Blogging Week!

First of all, today is the first day of Vikki and Tara Tyler's "I'm Thankful For My Readers Blogfest." For those of you who haven't signed up yet, there's still time to get involved, so don't be shy! It gives us all a good chance to say thanks to the readers who take the time to listen to what we have to say and support us in pursuing our dreams.  Here's the link to my entry!

This is a big week for me in the blogging world.  This Wednesday is going to be super special for a couple of reasons.  First of all, the election will be over!  Unless we have a repeat of the 2000 election, in which case I may have to disconnect from all technology to maintain my sanity.  

Mina Lobo @ Some Dark Romantic is hosting the Resurrection Blogfest this Wednesday.  She's celebrating the completion of her first year of blogging by asking us to drag out an old post from our first year of blogging.  I haven't yet reached the landmark of one year in the blogosphere, but I found something from my first month that I felt worth sharing.  Come back on the day of this awesome blogfest to see what it is!  There's still time to join in on the fun too, so feel free to hop on over to sign up!

And, of course, I am excited about this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group! The Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh asked for volunteers to co-host this ever-growing group event.  C.M. Brown and I are the co-hosts for this month, and I'm excited to take part in something so awesome!  Others will have the opportunity to act as co-host each month, so don't feel left out!  Your chance will come!

So this will be a busy, but memorable week!  I'll strap myself in and do my best to enjoy the ride.  I'll of course work on my other projects, and keep up with my normal blogging commitments.  Pleiades may lodge the occasional protest in my direction, but I can handle her!  With a cup of coffee in hand and my laptop open, I can do anything!

Except manipulate the space-time continuum.  Still working on that one.


  1. And very happy to have you as a co-host this month!!!

  2. Good luck with the co-hosting gig. I was starting to wonder how much longer Alex could handle IWSG on his own.

    I also can't wait for tomorrow and the election to be done. Don't jinx us with the ghost of 2000.

  3. I'm looking forward to you being co-host this month for IWSG! Very exciting for you! Seize the moment, doing something for the Ninja Captain, may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

    See ya on Wednesday! :)

  4. Your Thankful post was beautiful! This is a crazy, busy week in the blogosphere but it will be fun :)

  5. Hey, thanks for promoting my blogfest, Lady! I look forward to seeing what you've got in store for me! :-)
    Mina's Resurrection Blogfest!
