
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Thanksgiving Poem

Given that it's almost Thanksgiving, I figured I'd go a little bit easy on myself today and share something fun with you.  I always thought poems that are written around a word like this are fun, not to mention a little challenging.  I won't claim this as a masterpiece, but who cares?  Not all writing needs to be revolutionary or awe-inspiring.  It's okay to write something just for the fun of it.

Turkey and tradition.
Ham and pumpkin pie.
Autumn colors abound.
Now winter’s nigh.
Kindness and generosity.
Savoring the day.
Grateful for all we have.
Inviting family to stay.
Visiting with friends.
In our hearts we know,
Never is one day enough.
Gratitude must grow.

Now, here's a wordle.  Why?  Well, in all honesty, I enjoy any excuse to make a wordle.  That's good enough, right?


  1. Great poem and wordle (that one is new to me!) Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I love the Wordle thinggie. I must try it sometime.

  3. Love the poem and the wordle! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Too cute!

    Well done!

    Have a wonderful day with family!
