
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blindsided Blog Tour Christmas Dress-Up Contest

Kyra Lennon is at it again with a fun, holiday-themed bloghop!  Hop on over to her page to sign up if you're interested.  You have until December 7th to get in on the action.  

Oh, you want to know the details before you sign up, eh?  Too chicken to sign up before seeing what you've gotten yourself into?  Fine.  I'll tell you.  Or, if you don't trust me, you can go to Kyra's post to hear it from her.  Plus, you can sign up right there while you're at it.

This one is a Christmas dress-up contest!  So, obviously as it's a dress-up contest, to participate you'll need to post a picture on your blog.  It doesn't matter how little or big you go, you need only be wearing something festive!  There are prizes too!

Most Creative - $20 Amazon Gift Card
Silliest - $15 Amazon Gift Card
Simple but Stylish - $10 Amazon Gift Card

There will also be two entrants drawn at random, who will both receive a paperback copy of Blindsided!

Now, here's my picture.

This was taken while we set up our Christmas tree this year.  Growing up we always used a real tree, but my husband prefers a fake tree, so that's what we have.  This tree is hollow on the inside, so I decided to be silly and climb in. Don't ask what possessed me to do it.  I promise no alcohol was involved in the decision, which actually makes it sound worse.  Essentially though, I'm wearing an entire Christmas tree in this photo, though it's zoomed in so you can actually see where I'm at.  Unfortunately, it was a tighter fit than I'd like to admit, and I itched like crazy afterwards.

And now there's photographic evidence of my insanity for all the world to see! Feel free to have a good laugh!  I know I'm laughing at myself right now.


  1. Lmao, you ROCK! I'm kind of impressed you risked itching just to enter the bloghop! This is awesome, thanks so much for being a part of it!

    1. Fortunately, the itching went away after a few minutes!

  2. That is too effing adorable!! You're like the Christmas kitten that just has to screw with the tree! Tell me, did you break all the ornaments too?? LMAO!!

    1. It's funny you say that, because we used to have a cat that climbed the tree all the time. He broke almost all of our ornaments while playing with them, and we still haven't replaced a lot of them! That meant there was less risk of me breaking something for this picture, so that's probably a good thing!

  3. L.G.--I'm stopping by to say thanks for signing up for the Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest! I'm so stoked you're participating... it's going to be SO FUN... !!!

  4. Ha! Love it. Reminds me of Tennant's first episode of Doctor Who - killer Christmas trees!


  5. You make a lovely tree :) Cute idea. Thanks for the heads-up!

  6. Love your Christmas pic! hehe. And Kyra's blog hop idea is such a good one! I still have to take a pic for it.... eek.!

  7. Great photos! christmas costume photo. Keep up the good works. Much obliged.
