
Friday, November 16, 2012

Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest

All too often we take people in our lives for granted.  This can also happen with our blogging buddies.  That's why I wanted to participate in this blogfest of bloggerly love!  Wow.  That might have come across as a bit corny.  Or creepy. I'm not sure which.  Oh well!

Anyway, this event is hosted by Andrew Leon, Matthew MacNish, and Alex J. Cavanaugh.

What is this event of which I speak?  I'll tell you.

Do you have favorite bloggers who aren't posting or commenting as regularly as they once did?  Do you have those favorite bloggers who would be sorely missed were they to suddenly vanish from the blogosphere?  If so, then you're in luck! On November 16 (which is today for those of you who may not have a calendar handy), list one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.

Picking such a small number of bloggers to shine a spotlight on will be difficult, but I'll do my best.  Luckily for me, most of my blogging buddies that I follow most closely seem to adhere to a (semi)regular schedule.  That may also have something to do with the fact that I haven't yet been blogging a year, so I haven't had as much time to see friends wander away.

Still, I have on friend who I'd like to mention.  

Not only is she my friend in the world of blogging, but she's also been a friend in real life since elementary school.  Chelsea Kelly @ My Interior Window: An Art Blog is constantly busy as a mother and as an artist who is trying to put creative projects out into the world.  It isn't always easy, so I understand why her blog posts on this particular blog have been so sparse as of late.  I enjoyed each of those posts, because I like to see what she's creating.  And as a quick plug on her behalf (being a fledgling artist is never easy, after all), I recommend you all check out her Etsy Shop if you have the chance.  She has some neat stuff available.

Now it's time to mention the bloggers who I would miss were they to disappear. This is the hardest list to compile, because so many of you would be missed were you to give up blogging.

Spacer Guy @ Star Trek-Sci Fi Blog
I just love his posts.  I love reading anything to do with Star Trek or science fiction in general.

Yolanda Renee @ Defending the Pen
I love her supportive comments.  Granted, I have a lot of regulars who leave outstanding comments, but I wanted to thank her in particular for reading all of my fiction. It means a lot to have someone read it and give good feedback.

Mina Lobo @ Some Dark Romantic
This lady reads my stuff, leaves butt-kickingly cool comments, and her posts frequently make me laugh.  Seriously.  I look forward to her posts because of this awesome fact.

Then, in a category all his own for being the first follower I had on this blog and for being the cornerstone of an entire writing community, I have to give a shout out to Alex J. Cavanaugh.  He hosts IWSG and is all around supportive to his fellow writers.  Were he to disappear, a lot of people would feel that loss.  Thanks for being so cool!

And for those of you I didn't mention, here are some happy vibes for you.

Happy Vibes!
Happy Vibes!
Happy Vibes!

Seriously, you're all sensational!


  1. L G that is beyond awesome! Thank you so much! It means a lot and is so unexpected. I was late this morning getting my post up, but please stop by and see the blogs I chose. This was such a wonderful idea, and picking just a few was difficult because each day a new discovery is made, but your blog has never, ever failed me!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Have a wonderful creative weekend!

  2. Aw, thanks LG!! I appreciate that.
    Spacerguy is cool. Perfect for us science fiction geeks.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest!

  3. It's hard to choose among all the great bloggers, isn't it? Glad you joined the blogfest and glad I stopped in to say hi this morning.

  4. Glad to see you on the blogfest prowl. I, too, would miss Yolanda and many, many others. It was tough business narrowing it down to a few, but I'd totally miss you too! :)

  5. Awww thank you for the mention!! You are right too. My poor blog hasn't been getting a lot of posts lately! Those creative projects keep hogging up the hands! :)

  6. I would miss Yolanda too and have a few new ones to go visit. I'd miss your blog too!

  7. Aw, thanks, LG! I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy!

    Also, I find "bloggerly love" a kinky concept (but then, I would). ;-)

  8. I've seen your name on a list or two, as well! Congrats!

  9. you picked great people. Everyone chose Alex!! haha. It's great. He must feel awesome. And Mina is really cool. I discovered her blog through the resurrection blogfest, but I really like it. She's so funny. :)

  10. I'm discovering so many new bloggers thanks to this event. Great list!

  11. Yes, I am glad I have met up with Mina too! And of course cheerios for Alex!

  12. New follower here, so: nice to meet you!

  13. Thanks for the warm blog buddy feeling L.G, Cool blogfest, but I couldn't get back in time from the outer rim. I'll have to get my own starship.

  14. Hi LG .. it was so difficult wasn't it - your school friend and her friendship and blogging pal .. sound awesome ..

    Cheers Hilary

  15. You picked great blogs. Mina cracks me up, too, and Alex is just the most awesome blogger -- a one-man cheerleading team! From the comments, it looks like everyone agrees. :-)

  16. Nice to meet you! I must say I love the name of your blog ;D

  17. Thanks for the vibes - I could use some happy today!

  18. Ha - love the Happy Vibes that are going around as part of this blogfest! You've named some great bloggers.
