
Monday, November 12, 2012

Spaceships and Blogfests

Some good things have happened for me this week in terms of my writing.  First of all, the lovely Mina Lobo @ Some Dark Romantic selected my sci-fi poem Boundless as a finalist in the Resurrection Blogfest.  Go HERE to find links to all the other awesome entries that were selected and vote for your favorite one!  I think they're all great, so good luck making such a difficult choice.

I have a lot going through my mind right now in terms of my writing.  I'm still plugging away on my short stories as much as I can.  I've also been thinking as far ahead as next April.  Though I was blogging at the time, I didn't participate in last April's A-Z challenge.  I guess I just didn't feel comfortable enough with my blogging at that point to tackle such a big commitment.  Now that I'm a more confident blogger than I was a few short months ago, I know I want to join in on the fun next year.  I also know I want to post a novella in installments like I've seen some others do.  Heck, I even outlined the basic premise of the story, though it's not a very detailed outline. I know enough about it though to know that I'm looking forward to writing this one.

Also, inspired by the host of blogfests I've seen successfully done by my great blogging friends, I want to host one in January 2013 to celebrate my one year blogoversary.  I don't have all the details sorted out yet, but I'll let you all know when I do.  I'm a little nervous about hosting a solo blogging event, mostly because I'm paranoid no one will sign up.  However, co-hosting IWSG this month gave me the confidence to give it a try.

So, that's my life.  Planning, scheming, getting whatever work done that I can. Now I'd better climb into my spaceship to whip up some sci-fi adventure!  See you all soon!

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  1. Good luck with all your plans, sounds like you're going to be a busy girl! Have fun :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your success-- those are always encouraging to read about!

  3. Congratulations!
    You know what to do now for a blogfest and I'd be happy to promote it for you. I plan to host another one next year before the A to Z kicks off. And I do hope you join us! I've participated every year and co-hosted two of those years, and it's the best thing I could've ever done for my blog.

  4. A to Z was pretty easy, but I blog all the time anyway. I definitely think this is the right step for you to take at this moment in your writing career. When you do get published, you're going to have to do a book tour (at least that's the accepted thing to do these days) and that requires tons of blog posts. Might as well get the practice with A to Z.

    Congratulations on being picked as a winner by Mina. She's a great writer so that's an honor.

  5. There's always some fabulous blog hops going around. Hard to choose!

  6. You have to do A to Z next year. It's very challenging yet fun.

  7. Congrats! That's some pretty amazing progress. ;)
