
Monday, December 24, 2012

A Muse Takes a Break

My muse won't be doing a lot of work over the next couple of days.  The Christmas holiday takes precedence over everything else for now.  We have family celebrations to attend, and other fun things to do.  My kids are so excited for Santa it's insane.  We've been keeping track of Santa through NORAD, which has turned into a fun family activity in and of itself.

Being the procrastinator that I am, I still haven't decided what to make for our Christmas Day meal.  I know, I know, most of the stores are closed, and the rest of the grocery stores are closing early.  Pleiades, if you're going to help me with anything this week, show up and give me a meal inspiration!

My husband is off work this week, so we'll have plenty of family time.  And once Christmas is over, I may be able to squeeze in some writing time.  My husband loves video games, so when he inevitably escapes to that fantasy world, I'll slip into my world of fiction.  I have a post scheduled for tomorrow to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, though I probably won't be anywhere near my computer for a majority of tomorrow.

I also wanted to mention that I was selected as a winner for David Powers King's Build Me a Blog Hop.  Thanks!  I'm excited to see my vision come to life, and I'm confident that Tara Tyler will do a fantastic job!  Congratulations to the other winners!  You all had great entries.

1 comment:

  1. And congratulations for that! I can't wait to see your new you. Merry Christmas!
