
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blogspiration 29: Euphemisms

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers & writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the author’s choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.
This week's post is a tad on the silly side (or so far past the silly line  that you can't see the line anymore), but that's okay.  Silly can be inspiring too!

You ever hear those ridiculous euphemisms that make you laugh harder than the actual phrase the euphemism is meant to disguise?  Well, if you enjoy this sort of thing, you're in luck!  Thanks to the wonder that is Twitter, I discovered the epic awesomeness that is the Euphemism Generator!  To check out the fun yourself, you can find the Euphemism Generator HERE.

These are a few of the results I got when I tried it out for myself.  It's fun to think them over and figure out just what they might mean.

Oh, don't break anything!

Okay, what is "smurfing" and whose trap is it?

Don't you hate it when this happens?
Why don't you go try it out for yourself?  It may inspire a silly piece of writing, and if nothing else, it should inspire a laugh or two!


  1. headed there now! this is hilarious

  2. Smurfing the trap?? Is that a derogatory comment about Smurfett? Lol!!

  3. Hey, what'd that ocelot ever do to HIM???

    Mine was: You should have seen him...denting the French heat-seeking canoe.

    Le *woof*. ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  4. "Burying the ocelot?!" Hahaha - that was great.

  5. Lol, so funny!

    Thanks for sharing it!
