
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Build Me a Blog Hop!

Today is the Build Me a Blog-Hop!  The always cool David Powers King is hosting this event in celebration of gaining 800 followers.  That's insane.  I'm happy that I'm closing in on 200.  But 800!  Yikes!  David is popular indeed!

This blog hop is straightforward and fun.  Follow the link above to check it out. And be warned, there are amazing prizes to be won!

Here is my own 200 word description of my ideal blog banner.  Much as I do like my own that I made, I want a little something different.  As is also the case with me, my imagination for outpaces my own artistic abilities.

My dream blog banner would feature my avatar.  She’d be dressed in black pants with a black shirt and a black beret.  These black items of clothing would be sprinkled with twinkling stars, like I’m actually wearing the universe.  Her long red hair flows behind her, and she’s wearing a pair of sleek green eyeglasses.  The glasses are resting partway down her nose, making her look a bit like a sassy librarian.  My avatar is standing on a stack of books, because since I’m unfashionably short, my avatar should be as well. 

With a quill pen in hand, my avatar is in the midst of coloring a once blank background with images of the universe.  Planets, stars, nebulae all spill out of my avatar’s quill as she decorates the blank world around her with exciting stories.  Since I am particular, I must specify that at least one of these planets is a ringed planet like Saturn.  A 1950’s style rocket ship is zooming around this new universe.

The universe also features a black hole in the top corner.  My blog’s title Writing Off the Edge lingers near that black hole, tempting fate, because my blog is about writing spectacular things.

There's my vision!  Feel free to let me know what you think!  Also take the time to visit the other participants if you can.


  1. Awesome - wearing the universe that would look so cool!

  2. That is cool. I have been thinking my own blog banner needs an update.

  3. I like the description of your avatar very much. Hopefully we get to see it come true soon.

  4. I love it-- great design. Very reflective of you. David is way cool and popular. Absolutely.

  5. Really like the sound of your design!

  6. That sounds just like something Tara Tyler would do. Good luck! :)

  7. "Wearing the universe" ... That's awesome! It would go great with what you have here. Thanks for participating and best of luck to you! :)

  8. very cool! could totally picture this! love it!

  9. That sounds really cool. IT's a great idea from David.

  10. Okay. that was the coolest description ever. Totally blew me away!! I can't wait to see this come to life when you win it!! (which I'm now sure you will!!) Great job on this.

  11. Great description. I hope you win just so I can see this.
    Good Luck!

  12. Short isn't unfashionable....right? *bottom lip starts to quiver*

    Great avatar description, I've gotta see the twinkling pants!

  13. Wow, I'm really impressed with the specificity of your vision. Very clear. You are probably a designer's dream. I think you're going to win. Seriously. And yay for us short folk.
