
Friday, December 14, 2012

Hobbit Blogfest

The Hobbit Blogfest is hosted by M. Pax and Tyrean Martinson in celebration of the movie release.  I decided to participate because of my love of fantasy and sci-fi.  It also helps me to focus on something positive, because with today's deadly shooting in a Connecticut elementary school, it's hard to make sense of anything.

Anyway, on to the fun.  All you need to do to participate is sign up and answer four simple questions.
  1. What is your favorite hobbit characteristic/or the one that you think closely resembles you . . .?  I like the laid back attitude they have to life.  They make it a point to be comfortable and enjoy themselves, which is an important attitude to embrace from time to time. Physically speaking, hobbits and I hold in common a definite lack of height.
  2. If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer? Hmmm, second breakfast . . .  An unexpected journey would also be great, though I'd feel better about it if I could be sure about coming home.
  3. Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)  When we moved about three years ago, we had our belongings in the back of a truck.  I lost a bunch of jewelry that apparently flew out the back.  I will note that I had a meeting that day, so I was not the one that packed my jewelry.  I lost a couple of favorite necklaces and rings, one of them being a recent birthday gift and another being the first piece of jewelry my husband ever gave me.  Suffice it to say, I was quite upset.
  4. What is your Favorite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?  In general, I just hope the movie embraces the adventurous spirit of the book and is visually stunning.  I already suspect the acting will be top notch.
Keep dreaming, and enjoy the beauty that flights of fancy can bring to the world! And visit the other participants, of course!


  1. A blog hop of hope is definitely needed! I doubt I'll go to the movie, but I may dust off my copy of the book and reread it this vacation.

    Such tragedy today.

    Blessings, and hope for a calmer and more uplifting end to what is now horror beyond measure.

  2. I have the love of comfort in common with you and the Hobbits, too. I do love a bit of adventure, though. So sad about the jewelry. And from what I've seen of the previews, the movie looks awesome visually:)

  3. I'm a big supporter of the concept of second breakfast! Breakfast is the best meal of the day, so having two of them can only double the awesomeness.

    I'm also fond of elevenses :D

  4. Bummer you lost your jewelry out the back of the truck!!
    And nothing wrong with short. It's kind of cute.

  5. I so have to take part in this, as I am, aka, Big Mama Hobbit.. LOL! I know I love my hobbits!!! And I there's a lot I could say about them.. hehee..

  6. I think I'd go for a second breakfast over a quest - yum!


  7. I love this Blogfest.

  8. Fun answers! I'm so excited for this movie.

  9. So sorry about your jewellery.
    I think the actors were very well chosen!
