
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Moment of Introspection

I decided to once again use a random word generator to provide me with a few words to use for inspiration. I created a Wordle with those words, then used the words to write a little something.

I hope you enjoy!

A Moment of Introspection

If you have a moment to spare, I have some things to say.  If you’ll give me a moment to speak my mind, I’ll soon send you on your way.

Today this correspondence will reflect
 the battle waged inside my head.
The confusion of it all has left my vision fuzzy,
and my heart filled with dread.
I often wish I could feel the certainty
so many others seem to grasp.
Yet my instinct compels me to question all,
leaving me nothing solid to grasp.

Open-mindedness and inquisitiveness are good qualities, I’m told.  I believe that too.  Then again, there are times when it might be easier to tune out . . .

I say:
Bed me down in green pastures,
and let me slumber long.
When I wake, let me filter all I see
and keep only what makes me strong.
Tending to my wounds, let me learn
how to avoid them evermore.
By shutting out the poisonous and the vile,
may my sense of peace be restored.”

Unfortunately, ignoring the bad only allows it to flourish.

Life doesn’t work that way, I know.
Good and bad go hand in hand.
Destructive people raze the world
for reasons I’ll never understand.
The way my pleas go unanswered
is telling, to be quite blunt.
If I want answers, I must seek them,
and injustices, I must confront.

I’m struck by the beauty of quiet moments when a human being reaches out to another who is suffering.  Something wonderful is added to the world, and seeing this, I know who I must be.

There may be a lot that I don’t know,
but this much I hold to be true.
We are all children of the same world,
a tiny marble of green and blue.
Our atoms forged in the hearts of stars,
we have within us a brilliant light.
Let us band together and banish horrors
that keep us awake at night.

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