
Friday, February 22, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 6

It's time to once again join VikLit once again in her mission to Celebrate the Small Things.  Not matter what's happened in your life in the last week, nothing is too small to celebrate.

The most exciting thing to happen this week in fact happened to my husband. He learned that he's getting a promotion, and as a result, he'll also be getting a raise. No, we're not going to be rich yet, but that's okay.  I'm so happy for him, and I know he deserves it.  Yay!

Also, we got to take a break from our parenting duties for six hours this week. We got to go to see the movie Warm Bodies, and we went out to eat.  It was nice to just get out and have a date night.  I love going out with the kids in tow, but no matter how much you love them, you still need a little alone time to maintain your sanity.

I also got to spend part of this week reading about the philosophy of Doctor Who.  As a science fiction geek who also holds a B.A. in philosophy, this is an amazing thing to have!

What do you want to celebrate?


  1. A promotion + a raise? Congratulations to you and hubby!
    And yay to a date night and reading Dr. Who!
    Happy Celebratory Friday!

  2. Congratulations to your husband. That's definitively good news. And it's great you did have your date. You're right, sometimes time alone is needed to keep the sanity. :)

  3. I want to celebrate the sun coming out and the hint of spring in the air. Have a great weekend.

  4. Yay for date with the hubby! Congratulations to him also for the promotion :)

  5. Congratulations to your husband! And you have to have date nights.

  6. Congratulations to your husband and to you both for the date night. Absence makes the heart grow fonder for you and your kids.

  7. Awesome news with a promotion and raise! Congrats to you and your hubby. :D

  8. A promotion, a raise, a date night, and a good book - Wow! That sounds like an awesome week!!!

  9. So glad you got to celebrate the promotion and raise! That's awesome!

    Date nights are so important!

  10. Congrats to your husband on his promotion and that Dr Who book looks awesome!

  11. Come on now, I'm sure you'll be enjoying that raise more than he will! :) Glad you had a wonderful day out without the kids. Those are blessings!
