
Friday, March 29, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 11

It's time once again to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

First of all, the long week of illness that plagued my family has come to an end, and we're all feeling much better!  That alone is worth a shout of WOOHOO!

Also, the weather here in Iowa seems to be improving.  It's supposed to be in the 50's today, so provided everything works out, I intend to take my kids to the park.  I think they'd love to do that again.  Playing on playground equipment that's buried in snow doesn't always work the best, but a lot of that snow has melted away.  Hopefully none of it gets replaced by future storms.

I'm looking forward to Easter this weekend.  I love watching my kids go through their Easter baskets, I love dying eggs, and I love eating chocolate bunnies! Granted, when I eat chocolate bunnies, I have to outright ignore the nutrition information on the box to avoid the guilt, but that's okay.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Enjoy the Easter weekend with your family!
    I'm enjoying lovely Autumn weather this side of the globe... moderate temperatures... it's perfect!

  2. No counting calories this weekend! Have a great Easter and hope there's no more snow.

  3. Glad you are over your illness' have loads of Easter fun with your kids.

  4. Big yay for improving weather. NO more snow! NO more snow! There is absolutely no worrying about calories this weekend, just enjoy. Happy Easter ;)

  5. YAY To improving weather and health!

  6. Yes, Easter with the kids healthy! Wonderful, and it's the same here regarding the weather. I should have gone for a walk but kept writing instead. I need to start budgeting my time better.

    Happy Easter!

  7. Yay! The germ aliens are destroyed! Have a fantastic Easter.

  8. I definitely ignore the calories on the chocolate bunny and peeps. Glad you are feeling better! :)
