
Friday, March 15, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 9

A quick note.  For those who came to see my entry for the Got Green Blogfest, you can find it HERE.

Now it's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit.

This has been a stressful week.  I mentioned last week that we had a problem with our bank account.  Someone got our information and used it to steal money.  Last I wrote, we were well on our way to sorting it out, but unfortunately, it took a little longer than we hoped to tie up all the loose ends.  We spent a majority of the week with a negative account balance because of it.  We had only the cash we happened to have on us when things started to go wrong.  Finally, when we were down to our last $6, everything fell into place and it was all fixed.

Now that we have money again, I just went book shopping on Amazon to celebrate. Yay!

Also, we found out my son Jude has a nasty ear infection, but we got medicine for it. As of now, he's feeling much better!

So things are looking up for us, and that's certainly worth celebrating!  What do you have to celebrate?


  1. Sorry the bank took longer to sort than expected it must have been a worry. Book shopping is an awesome way to celebrate! Hope your son soon back to full health.

  2. Hey L.G.,

    Glad to hear things are on the upswing :)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours :)

  3. Man that really sucks about the bank.
    I am glad though that it is working out now.

    Book shopping is a great way to spend the money!

    Last week was my youngest son's and my wife's birthdays. This week my oldest son and I are going to mini-game convention. He is going to be playing games for 12 hours straight. I am running one for 4 hours.

  4. Glad things are looking up, and yay for book shopping!

  5. Good to hear your problems got solved! :)

  6. Boo for a stressful week. I'm glad your son got his medicine and you finally had that bank issue sorted out. Happy reading from your Amazon shopping ;)

  7. Must've been beyond stressful! Glad the problem was solved before you ran out of cash.

  8. Here's to things looking up for you! Wow! TGIF on so many levels for you! Best of the weekend to you too:)

  9. Glad you've got things sorted, there's nothing worse than having no money, especially when it wasn't you who spent it!

  10. I am glad Jude is feeling better and that you got your money sorted, that is stressful.

  11. Glad to hear that money issue got sorted! It often feels like the world likes to pick on you guys, which is unfortunate since you're some of the nicest people I've ever known. I'm celebrating the fact it's the weekend! YEAH.

  12. Last $6 and finally fixed, such relief! And ear infections, so dastardly! My sons suffered with them too, and now they say don't do anything -- my son almost lost his hearing due to unrecognized symptoms.

    I just want to know who is getting all the antibiotics? I'm thinking maybe the cows? Sorry, here I go off on another tangent!

    Happy Friday celebrations!

  13. I'm so sorry y'all had to deal with all of that, but glad you're in the money again and that your baby's feeling better. Hope you enjoy a calmer weekend then week! :-)

  14. I'm glad for you that the bank settled everything and it didn't take an extraordinary amount of time. Also, hopefully you son will be back to normal in no time.
