
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Express Yourself: Game Shows/Reality Shows

It's time for the Express Yourself Weekly Meme.  This meme is hosted by the wonderful Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

If you could be on any game show or reality show, which would you choose and why?

I don't watch too many game shows, but I know that I'd have to pick Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune if I had a chance to compete.  I love trivia, and I love word games.  Jeopardy might make me feel dumb in places, but I think it would make me proud to win.  Not that I necessarily think I could.  It would just be awesome to do so.

The only reality shows I watch are on Food Network, and I know for certain that I don't have the skills necessary to compete on that level.  I think it would be fun to decorate a cake competitively, even though my own cakes prepared at home look abysmal.

Here's an example of my cake decorating prowess.

This is a cake I made for friends too.  Now, in my defense, my cakes usually turn out much better than this.  The cake was falling apart, making the process of applying the icing nearly impossible.  However, having created this travesty, I know I will never be the equal of a professional cake decorator.  I must learn to live with that.


  1. I'd want to be on The Price is Right. If I was going to be on Jeopardy!, I'd want to be on celebrity week (not that I'm a celebrity or anything) but their questions are just so much easier than regular Jeopardy!

    And I always get mad when contestants on Wheel of Fortune buy vowels.

  2. My cakes look similar.
    What flavor is underneath the icing? If you say carrot cake, I'll think you're awesome... okay, you're awesome anyway. :)

  3. Oh my. haha That cake is tragic.

  4. That cake is awesome.
    I'd pick the old Match Game. At least I'd have a good laugh during the show. And I'd pick Richard Dawson to match me every time.

  5. It doesn't matter how the cake looks as long as it tastes good. :)

    I'd like to be on Wheel of Fortune. Jeopardy can be difficult, so for a trivia-type show, I would pick Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Multiple choice makes it easier.

  6. I am with Cherie, it is the taste of the cake that matters!

  7. Either that's the cake you made for us that time, or we got a similar one...regardless, it was pretty fantastically delicious!! I'd rather eat a yummy cake than a well decorated cardboard box. ;)
