
Friday, April 26, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 15

For those of you who are looking for my A-Z entry for the letter W, you can find it HERE.

You can also find the latest installment in my Memoirs From the End of the World series HERE.

It's Friday!  That means it's time to once again Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

Whether your victory is large or small,
share it-we'll celebrate them all!

April is almost over, and I can see now that I will indeed be able to successfully complete the A-Z Challenge on both my blogs.  It' no easy task, but I've enjoyed the challenge.  When you have a concrete goal, it's easier to find the motivation to get things done.

Tomorrow's Saturday!  For some reason, that fact is really exciting to me this week.  I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with my husband and children.

I was able to provide a fellow writer with inspiration this week.  Who knew that the simple act of editing someone's story and offering words of encouragement could mean so much to someone?  Well, besides writers like us anyway.

Nothing Earth-shattering happened this week, but overall, it was a pretty good week.  What small things would you like to celebrate?


  1. I'm celebrating that I made it to the end of A to Z, too! Saturdays are always a reason to celebrate :D I think providing a writer with inspiration and encouragement is very earth shattering. Bravo for you!

  2. It's great that you were able to help someone with their writing and that they were appreciative. Sometimes a small gesture can mean so much.

  3. Enjoy your weekend! Helping fellow writers out is always something to celebrate :)

  4. Wonderful Celebrations! I'm looking forward to this afternoon . . .the first afternoon/evening off with nothing planned in a week! Yay!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Oh my gosh, helping someone with their writing is fantastic, as you say, only us writers really appreciate it ;)

    Happy weekend!

  6. YAY to nearly at end of A to Z it's good to be there!

    Indeed it is great to help another out ;) Happy weekend to you.

  7. Helping a friend is always worth celebrating. Good for you!

  8. I agree that helping someone is worth celebrating. :) Have a great weekend!

  9. I've seen a lot of bloggers celebrating small things. I wish I'd been on that hop, as I have had a number of small celebrations (and one huge one) in the past month...Ah well, another time. I can't believe A-Z is almost over!
