
Friday, May 3, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 16

It's Friday once again, so that means it's also time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

This week has been a mixed bag in general.  Earlier this week, we had temperatures in the 80's, so my kids and I went to the park wearing shorts.  I missed being able to do that.  So I guess that's my first thing to celebrate.

Unfortunately, we had a snowstorm move through.  So it's May, and we have a few inches of snow on the ground.  We went from summer weather to snow in the course of 24 hours.  That's part of living in Iowa, I guess, but that doesn't mean I have to like it!

Just for dramatic effect, here's a weather map of the cold front moving in.

Utterly ridiculous!

Still, as much as I dislike the weather we're currently having, there's plenty to be happy about.  I successfully completed the A-Z Challenge on two blogs!  I decided to edit and flesh out the A-Z story I did for this blog and publish it on Amazon.  I'll keep everyone updated about the progress of that.

My son Lyle is also turning 2 next weekend, so I'm thinking ahead about how to celebrate.  My husband has been working a lot of overtime these past few weeks, so I'm not sure which day we'll be able to celebrate, but we'll make it happen.

I also found a bunch of books for cheap, or even free in some cases, so I have new reading material!  Yay!

What do you want to celebrate?


  1. Big yay for great reading material. Hope you manage a lovely birthday with your little one. The weather can be so weird sometimes can't it? Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Yay - another A-Z survivor :D

    And double yay for free books!!

  3. No snow here, but I wouldn't be surprised! It's quite warm here at the minute, but I don't expect it to last - it never does! New reading material is always exciting :)

  4. We are having beautiful days here and the gardening is getting done, that's what I'm celebrating.

    Have a wonderful weekend, and happy birthday planning!

  5. That is an insane weather change. But I used to live in the midwest and I remember it happening.
    Hope you get to do something fun for your son.
    And keep us posted on the story.

  6. Wow, what an unbelievable change in weather! I truly hope the cold ends soon for you.
    I'm sure you will figure out the best way to celebrate Lyle's birthday :D

  7. I'm celebrating that I don't have to worry about your weather map! lol Not sure what I'd do if it went from shorts to parkas overnight like that. Happy birthday to your little one. Get your hubby to take you out for some special quality time with all that OT pay. The way I see it, when he works overtime, so do you! Best of Friday and the weekend to you:)

  8. Whoa, crazy temp difference! I celebrate having good weather and we've finally got some now...but the ocean is still quite cold:)

  9. Whoa, that is some crazy weather going on where you live! With the exception of one week of hot, humid days, it's been a really beautiful spring here in PA. I'm celebrating 60˚ and sunshine!

    Happy 2nd Birthday to your little man!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  10. It can be like that here in Central Oregon, too. The past two years we had snow on Memorial Day weekend. We're actually getting spring w/ 70's and almost 80. Weird.

    Aww, happy birthday to your son, and congrats on completing 2 AtoZ's.

  11. Summer to winter in one day LG? Insanity. Congrats on making it to the end. Some blogs had to give up.

  12. Congrats on finishing A toZ!
