
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Express Yourself: Looking Back to April

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme has returned after a month off.  Thanks to Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests for starting this great meme!

Here's the first query for the month of May.

What was the best part of the A-Z Challenge?  If you didn't participate, then what was the best part of April?

I did in fact participate in the A-Z Challenge.  It was worthwhile in many ways. Since I've talked plenty on this blog about the story that resulted from A-Z, I won't go into more detail about it here.  I'll simply say that if you haven't read it, you can find the entire thing HERE.

Other than producing something that I'm proud of, I learned a lot of great things. I learned about aphrodisiacs from Mina Lobo, and I obtained some fascinating insights about the life of Margaret Mitchell from Yolanda Renee.  Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous also gave me a daily dose of laughter, and that's always welcome!

I also attracted some new followers, and I enjoyed meeting those new blogging friends.  All in all, I'd say April was a successful month for me.

The best part of the month that wasn't related to blogging was my son Jude turning four.  That kid loves birthdays!


  1. I did participate. I learned some interesting things, and I'll hopefully be referencing some of them as I try to research and appreciate some recommendations in the future.

  2. Aww, happy belated birthday, Little Keltner. :)

  3. Aw, thanks for the shout out, LG! I hope that if you try out any of the recipes I found, you'll report back on their efficacy in the W00F! department. ;-)

    And belated wishes for a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUDE! Hope he had lots of his fave birthday treats that day!
    Some Dark Romantic

  4. Glad your April was awesome. And what kid doesn't love birthdays?

  5. Happy belated birthday to your son! And it sounds like you had a great April!
