
Thursday, May 2, 2013

FSF: The Nevarian World Festival

It's time once again for Five Sentence Fiction!  The prompt for this week is FESTIVAL.

If you've missed out on previous chapters of my ongoing FSF story, you can find it on this PAGE.

Chapter 30: The Nevarian World Festival

Image courtesy of 

Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot

Though Nara was going to lose a lot of opportunities for selling her homemade medicinal cures by doing so, she agreed to stay with Ylana on Nevaris until Orton was done with his work, saying that she’d promised to stick this out to the end.

However, the Nevarian World Festival started a couple of days later, and Nara planned to set up a stand to help make up for lost sales.  “You should spend some time there too, because it could help you get in a little relaxation,” she suggested.

Ylana agreed, and though the festival was called a world festival, she was shocked to learn that it was so large it occupied its own continent.  “At night, you can see the multicolored lights of all the rides and venues from orbit,” Nara said excitedly, “so you’re sure to find something magical there.”


  1. A festival the size of a continent? Wow - the lines for the rides must be horrendous - not to mention the ticket prices!

    But that was a really good "save" considering the prompt! Nicely done!

  2. Wonder how long it would take to see all the displays of that festival.

    Looking for magical too!

  3. Did they offer orbit rides to see the spectacle? Nice magical touch!

  4. Now that sounds like an awesome festival.

  5. This is such an imaginative story!
