
Friday, May 31, 2013

The WIP It Good Blogfest

This fantastic blogfest is brought to us by D.L. Hammons and Elise Fallson.  It gives writers a chance to get the word out about their current projects.

Most of you know about my A-Z Challenge story I wrote called Adam's Apple. (You can find the story in its un-revised form HERE.)  I'm still editing it and intend to self-publish it when it's ready.  Still, I thought I'd take advantage of this blogfest to let anyone new to my blog know about it.

WIP Title: Adam's Apple

Word Count (projected/actual): I am expecting this novella to end up at about 25,000 words.  Right now, it's about 17,000 words long.

Genre: Science fiction/humor.  I knew I wanted to write something along the lines of Douglas Adams, yet I also wanted my own voice to shine through.

How long have you been working on it?:  I started it about a month before the A-Z Challenge.  I only worked on it sporadically at first, but as the challenge drew closer, I dedicated more time to it.

Elevator Pitch: A young man is rather disgruntled when he's exiled from existence, but thanks to a mysterious young woman and a grumpy man with a big red button, he finds himself immersed in a rather odd revolution.  He wants to get his life back together, but he doesn't necessarily want the life he once had.

Brief Synopsis: Adam Evans learns that due to the theft of his apple by a woman he doesn't know, he's being charged with murder by the overly bureaucratic Magistrate Bibble. His punishment is to be expelled from existence.  While his physical body would live on, it would be illegal for anyone to interact with him.  However, just before his chemical castration can be done, a young woman wisks him off.  She is a member of a rebellion that wants to get rid of Bibble since he clearly presents a danger to any sane creature in the Federation.  Adam must take risks to find help from some rather odd knitting knights, and he learns about why his life has been so odd and unlucky as far back as he can remember.  Only by embracing this fact of his own oddity can he get his own life back.

In addition to the main story, I'm adding some appendices with humorous side stories and fun facts about the universe of Adam's Apple.

I'm not currently looking for any CP's or beta readers since I'm still working on the revision, but I would welcome any ideas from those who've read the version of the story on this blog.

Now that you've read what I have to say, feel free to hop around and see the other entries in this blogfest!


  1. I always enjoyed the absurdity of Douglas Adams, and this sounds very like that. Good luck with finishing!

  2. I enjoyed reading your excerpts in the Challenge and it sounds like a lot of fun in synopsis form. A nice dash of Monty Python there too with the knitting knights!

  3. Wow, you've definitely got my attention with this one. I bet he's sooo happy that woman whisked him off just before his chemical castration! Thanks for sharing with us today, L.G. and all the best finishing this wip!

  4. This sounds interesting and humorous! Great mix. Best of luck with it.

    Shah X

  5. This does sound a little like Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett! Good luck with it!

  6. Woot, woot! Yeah, I'd read it. =) Anything for a little quirk and humor, eh?

    All this over an apple...

  7. Sounds great!! And love that it has humor. Best of luck!

  8. I like the idea of a sci-fi infused with humor. It's a nice change of pace from the more serious, heavy sci-fi one tends to see.

  9. Love the sound of this! And the humor definitely shines through

  10. Sounds good - love the name Bibble! Not enough humour in the world, love something that would make me laugh!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

  11. I really like the concept and love the title. Look forward to reading it.

  12. Sounds fun :) Good luck with it!

  13. Love the elevator pitch. It sounds like a lot of fun.

  14. Any combination of Sci-Fi and humor draws my interest. Good luck with it! :)

  15. Was hooked by the pitch, that's for sure. Sounds like it'd be hilarious.

  16. Do I detect a little bit of Douglas Adams in this? ;)

    Sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun! I am glad I read you blog everyday so I'll know when it is out!!

    The Other Side

  17. the Pitch had me visualizing Walter Mathau with an "easy" button.....

    sounds hilarious....

  18. A new twist on the Adam and Eve story :) I like it.


  19. Love the idea of your story - and the title is great too! :D I will definitely be in when it comes time to buy it!

  20. I'm a big fan of SF/humor, and your WIP does have a very Douglas-esque flavor to it -- so I'd probably enjoy it!

  21. Wow--now THIS is a unique story you have on your hands, and I love the sound of it! Can't wait for it to be on the shelf so that I can read the full thing!

  22. I love the title and it sounds like it would be a really fun read.

  23. Knitting knights, love it!
    I've sometimes thought about trying comedy... It's so difficult. Yours sounds like a fun tale!
