
Friday, June 14, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 22

It's Friday and time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

This week I won a free autographed book from Lisa L. Regan, which is always welcome news!  

We went to a town celebration last weekend, and my youngest son Lyle got to ride a carousel for the first time.  I stood next to him to make sure he didn't fall off the horse, but he stayed on without any problems and he seemed to have a great time!  He looked so cute!

My husband and I went out to eat to celebrate our wedding anniversary, though our kids went along with us.  Oh well!  I enjoy outings with our children just as much as I enjoy solitary date nights.  They're just different kinds of fun.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is also the anniversary of the first time my husband asked me out.  That was eight years ago.  Wow.  Together for eight years.  Married for six.  And we still get along most of the time!  I love you Jamon!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. How cute! Happy anniversary, both anniversaries. May you and your husband have a wonderful private date soon. Writer’s Mark

  2. Congrats on winning a book and your anniversary.


  3. That's great you still get along! Remain friends and your marriage will always be strong.

  4. I love getting signed copies from my favorite authors! We just celebrated our anniversary too so Happy Anniversary!

    Meredith (@MeredithRaeJ)
    Meredith's Musings

  5. Yay for the signed book. And yay for family celebrations. Kids should always be included in things :)

  6. Congratulations on your anniversaries!

  7. I love winning signed copies of books, just received two this week and read both over the weekend. I needed a break from the writing. Awesome, congrats on the win and the anniversary. Hope you get some time alone with hubby, me and mine have been doing a lot together lately and enjoying it immensely.

    Happy belated anniversary, and Happy Monday!
