
Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm a Winner!

I've been slacking a little in my blogging duties over the past week, but that's because life has just been . . . busy.  Nothing bad has happened.  It's just getting to be summertime, and my kids always want to be on the go outdoors.  I'll do the best I can to keep up with my regular posts, but if I disappear unexpectedly for a day or two, or if I simply post later than normal, that's why.

I'm still keeping in touch with my muse through all this craziness, so that's a positive thing.

Also, I'd like to share another positive thing!  I was selected as a winner for Lisa L. Regan's Aberration Blog Hop!  I won a signed paperback copy of her new book Aberration!  Yay!  I love getting new books!  Thanks to Lisa for offering this great prize!


  1. It's always nice winning books signed by the author. Congrats. (:

  2. Congratulations! Hope you enjoy it :)

  3. Congratulations on the giveaway win! :)

  4. We have another winner...congratulations.

  5. Congratulations on winning Lisa's book!

  6. Summertime does make one want to leave the blogging to another day! :) Yay, it's always fun to win a book! Hopefully it will be good summer reading!

  7. Believe me, I understand when you can't seem to find enough hours in the day. And then summer hits!


  8. A new book is always sweet, but a free book is even better L.G.
