
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: June 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group is the creation of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.  His co-hosting minions for this month are Sheena-kay Graham, Suzanne Furness, and Laura Eno.

This month, I'm not feeling an particular insecurities.  I mean, I still have the basic ones that crop up from time to time, but I think I've been keeping too busy lately for any of them to really bother me.  So I thought I would post a little inspiration for those of you who may be feeling particularly insecure this month.  Here are some quotes that 

“The enemy uses those things your insecure about. Free yourself and take your power back by being secure in who you are - flaws and all.” ― Yvonne Pierre

“Your insecurity is when you compare your polaroid with someone else's glamour shot.”― Brian Hooten

“Don't be afraid to write. I think a lot of writers of all ages have a fear that they aren't any good at writing. That fear is normal. I feel it. Most writers who care about what they are writing feel it. When you feel like you're not good enough, write anyway. It's just a pesky bug that's whispering lies. The best way to swat the bug is with your pen.” ― Tanya Anderson

"It's insecurity that is always chasing you and standing in the way of your dreams."-Vin Diesel  

"It is when we all play safe that we create a world of utmost insecurity."-Dag Hammarskjold 


  1. Thanks! The Brain Hooten quote made me laugh out loud and the quote from Tanya Anderson made me want to keep moving forward.

  2. Great quotes to hold on to when those "I'm not good enough" times come along. Writer’s Mark

  3. Thanks for the encouraging quotes LG.


  4. Some great quotes there, perfect for tackling insecurities :)

  5. Great quotes!

    Back to the writing!

    Happy Hump Day!

  6. Thanks for the pick-me-up!

  7. Here from Alex's ISWG. Really like your blog am now a follower.

    Very inspirational post. All words to live by. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Very inspirational quotes. Thank you. :D

  9. Comparing our work to others is not good at all - love the way you expressed it...except now we have to know we are the ones with the glamour shot and the other guy holds the polaroid...

  10. That quote from Tanya is so true - questioning "am I good enough" tends to sneak into the equation every now and again - I might need a bigger pen:)
