
Monday, June 24, 2013

The Thrill of It All Blogfest

Tara Tyler and Heather M. Gardner are co-hosting the Thrill of It All Blogfest to celebrate making it to publication!  That is certainly something worth celebrating!

How does this blogfest work?

On June 24th, share a big thrill.  It can be real or fiction.  Just keep your entries about a paragraph or so.

And there are prizes too!

1) A copy of MAGUIRE'S CORNER, ebook
2) An ARC copy of POP TRAVEL
3) A $20 Amazon GC
4) A banner or caricature by moi (or substitute if the winner has another need)

Here's my entry!

Vector Smoot didn't pay much attention in science class in high school.  Yet when he finds himself spontaneously teleporting after a group of four men tried to rob him at gunpoint, he wishes he could understand more about the science of what's happening to him.  And after teleporting the first time, he can't seem to stop.  He loses cohesion at the worst possible times, including in the middle of a conversation with the police about the bizarre robbery attempt he escaped.  Now, on top of worrying about how to control his teleportation lest he find himself randomly appearing in the middle of an ocean or inside an active volcano, the government is also after him.  Everyone wants to understand the mysterious Vector Smoot, but none so much as Vector himself.


  1. I want to teleport, but I want control as well!

  2. I am curious about Mr. Smoot as well. I think teleportation would be a cool power to have. I hate to drive.

  3. Ha! His name is Vector??? I love it. And I second Alex: I definitely want teleporting powers that I control!

  4. I'd love to read more about Vector, and I love his name too!

  5. Poor guy! . Great entry, I wanted to read more.

  6. The thrill of teleportation told in an amusing but short antidote that gets all the points across! Well done!

  7. The name Vector Smoot fits well with this thrilling teleportation excerpt!
    Writer In Transit

  8. This reminds me of my favorite books Jumper. It sounds like an awesome read.

  9. Great premise! I've always been fascinated by teleportation, and kind of sad that we probably won't have the ability to do it within my lifetime.

  10. I'd find it hard to quit teleporting, too. What fun that'd be.

  11. thats quite a thrilling blurb! no wonder everyone is after him! he's got a cool power! he just needs to find out how to control it! love it!

  12. Teleporting would certainly be a thrill! ;)

  13. What a great idea! This does sound like a THRILL!
    Thanks for participating!

  14. I wish I could teleport - it would save so much money and time! :) I'd have more time to write or read. :)

  15. You have me interested in Vector. I want to read more!
