
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

FSF: Locked Away

Here's another Five Sentence Fiction piece!  This week, the prompt was LOCKED.

If you haven't read prior installments of my ongoing FSF story, you can find it all on this PAGE.

Chapter 39: Locked Away

Ylana froze as she processed these words of death and destruction, though they still refused to make sense to her tired mind.  She didn’t want to believe Marberry’s words of warning, yet she had to set stock in them, because if she couldn’t, then she couldn’t trust him to help cure Nara.

“Is there anything you can do to thwart this dire future?” she asked simply.

Shaking his head sadly, Marberry replied, “I cannot, young one, for the secrets of how to hold back the will of the universe are locked away in some hidden corner of time; I see what is and what will be, but not how to influence it beyond the individual level.”

“Then please, help my friend, and if we’re fortunate enough to have her well again, she and I will fend for ourselves against any terror fate might bring.”


  1. Thanks for the FSF. I like these short snippets leaving a person wanting more...

  2. I agree with Catrina. These are great!
