
Friday, August 30, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-August 30, 2013

It's Friday, so that means it's once again time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

We've had a crazy end-of-summer heat wave where I live.  My son Jude was supposed to start preschool this week, but he's in the afternoon preschool class, and due to the extreme August heat, school has been getting out early each day.  As a result, his classes were cancelled for this week.  The good news is that next Tuesday, when he's now supposed to have his first day of school, the weather is looking to be much more reasonable.  Let's hope that forecast holds true!

Yay for a three day weekend!  We have plans to see family this weekend, so hopefully it'll be a busy and fun one for our whole family!

I've also been experimenting with cooking different things this week.  I won't bore you with the details, but I'll share this good piece of news with you.  None of my culinary adventures went awry!  Everything I tried to make (and some of the experiments had no known recipe to back them up) turned out good.  Which is always happy for me.  After all, who wants their dinner to end up tasting like feet (or something else equally unpleasant)?

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. School lets out early due to heat? We never got out early for heat!

  2. The weather's getting cooler here, which is exciting! Winter's coming :)
    Have a great three day weekend!

  3. Have fun with the family, and yay for new culinary adventures ;)
