
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Express Yourself: August

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by the awesome Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and the amazing Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

I'm a little late in posting this for this week, but better late than never, right? (Well, I can think of some cases where this isn't true, but as far as blogging goes, I think the saying applies.)

The question for this week is: What are you looking forward to in August?

We'll be enrolling our 4 year old son Jude in preschool.  I know he's excited about the prospect of starting school.  As a mom, I'm just stunned that he's growing up so fast!

I'm also looking forward to making the most of the remaining summer weather before it starts turning to fall.  Hopefully we can grill outside a few more times before the weather turns!

What August activities are you looking forward to?


  1. Sending the kids to school for the first time is nerve wracking to say the least (at least it was for me). They grow up so fast. Mine is starting middle school this year, and I think I'm more anxious about it than he is.

    BTW, I have something for you over at my blog. I don't know if you've already received this one yet, but just in case:

    1. I just checked your awards page, and it looks like you've already received this award. Oh well. Just know that you were the first person to pop into my head when I had to think of people to honor.

  2. August is the end of summer isn't it. I made a pot of chili this weekend, and usually I don't do that until September. But it is so nice to have the heat of July gone.

    This month I'm awaiting the re-release of my fist book and starting the preparation of the house for winter. I'll be ordering new windows and a tankless water heater. Wish I were using that money for a lengthy vacation instead. :)

  3. I'm waiting for the professional edits to come in from my WIP - and then I can officially start querying :)

    Good luck with your preschooler - our six-year-od starts FIRST grade Monday, and I'm so like you... where has the time gone :)

  4. Here in Aus, there isn't much fancy about August, as it's winter and we don't really have any major holiday breaks from work or anything. But I love winter so I'm happy being in August for that reason. ;) The sad part about August is that it's closer to Spring and then Summer than the start of Winter or even the start of Autumn, so I am even now getting hints of depression at the prospect of Summer rearing it's EXTREMELY ugly head. ;)

  5. My August will be mostly spent keeping my daughter entertained. She has just finished her first year at proper school, and it has just flown by. Enjoy the experience of your son's first days, they'll be gone sooner than you think.
