
Friday, August 9, 2013

FSF-Learning Curve

It's once again time for some Five Sentence Fiction!  This week, the prompt is LEARNING.

If you have missed the previous installments of my ongoing narrative, you can find the whole story on this PAGE.

Chapter 42: Learning Curve

Ylana had admittedly been an inexperienced young girl with a painfully limited education when she first set out on this adventure.  Her first education had admittedly been one of subjugation: she was taught how to be what others needed her to be, and that required her to purge herself of anything she might need or want.

Image courtesy of phanlop88
How she’d even had the courage to set foot aboard Nara’s tiny ship she might never know, but she did know that a spark had remained within her from childhood, something bright that could never be quite extinguished by those who continuously told her that she didn’t need to know anything other than how to deal with practical matters.

Ylana was still riding a long and strange learning curve and, as it was, she didn’t quite know how to handle the powerful emotions that spilled forth when she saw her friend’s eyelids slowly flutter open, but they were still preferable to the sense of panic she’d had to endure before.

“I’d say welcome back to the world,” Ylana said slowly, “but you may not be so happy about waking up when I tell you about our latest problem.”

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