
Friday, September 13, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-September 13, 2013

It's Friday once again, and that means it's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit.

I got some good writing done this week.  Perhaps I didn't write quite as much as I would have liked, but I am quite happy with the quality of the writing I did.

My husband's hours at work changed slightly, and that change means we get to spend a little more time together than before.

Today is Friday the 13th.  That is something worth celebrating in our house.  I met my husband on Friday, May 13, 2005.  We could jokingly say that we are each other's bad luck, though in reality, I feel like I was quite lucky to meet him that day.  For us, Friday the 13th is always a special day because of that.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad you got some good writing in and spending more time with your husband is a good thing!

  2. I was born on the 13th (I don't think it was a Friday, unfortunately) so I always like Friday the 13th. Great job on the writing, and extra time with your husband is awesome :)

  3. Great to hear you got some good writing done. Tonight my hubby and I are spending some time together watching the new Star Trek movie. And 13 is lucky! :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Awww sweet story for Friday the 13th! Glad you two are able to spend more time together now, that is awesome!
    Quality writing is more important than quantity so that is huge!!!
    (Unfortunately I do way more quantity before I make it quality but still lol)

  5. There are enough married couples that would curse that day, which ever day it was, so I'm glad you find Fri 13th as a day to celebrate each other. :)

    Yes, adding to the wip is like continuing with a love affair (at least what I can remember of that). Congrats on keeping up with your project. Writer’s Mark

  6. How nice that you'll get to spend more time with your other half and YAY that Fri 13th is special!
