
Friday, September 20, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-September 20, 2013

It's Friday, and once again it's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

Overall, it's been a good week.  We had a mild illness go through our house last weekend, and Jude missed school on Monday because of it.  Still, it wasn't all that bad, and we were all back on our feet in no time.

Once again, I got some good writing done this week.  That's always worth celebrating.

I walked walked to pick up Jude from preschool today, with my two year old in tow.  On our way back, we got a great view of a thunderstorm rolling in.  Nature truly is beautiful and awe-inspiring.  We also desperately needed the rain here, so I won't complain about the damp afternoon.

I also found out that I am the first place winner of the More Than Just a Kiss Blogfest!  YAY!  I can't begin to tell you how great it feels to have your writing recognized like this.  Especially when the judges are such talented writers!  If you haven't read my kissing scene, you can find it HERE.  You can also  look HERE to see a listing of all the other wonderful winners.

All in all, the week ended strong and has left me feeling good as we go into the weekend.  It doesn't get much better than that.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Congrats on the Kiss winner LG. I'm celebrating that is is payday Friday - but since I prescheduled all my bill payments a couple days ago, it feels more like an allowance than a payday :)

    Have a good weekend.


  2. I saw you won first place! That is very cool. Congratulations.

  3. Nature really is awesome, there's nothing like a good thunderstorm :)
    Glad you're all feeling better, and congratulations on winning first place!

  4. Congrats on winning the blogfest!

  5. Congrats on winning the blogfest. Glad you and the family are feeling better, it is the time of year for bugs and things. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I love watching a good storm roll in, especially if when it gets here it comes with thunder and lightning. I can sit and watch lightning for hours.
    Congrats on your win too, what an achievement.

  7. Congratulations! So exciting to win, and yes even more so with talented judges and competitors. Hope you made it home before the rains. Today I'm celebrating at Laugh-Quotes.

  8. Congratulations again! Your scene was fantastic. We had some big storms roll in yesterday too. My little guy likes to dance and run in the rain. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Woot woot! Congrats on the win!!!
