
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Follow Fest

I decided to participate in Melissa Maygrove's Follow Fest.  This is a good way to build your platform and meet fellow writers/bloggers.  You can still join in on the fun, so check it out!

Image courtesy of nuttakit/

Fiction or nonfiction?
Fiction.  I write as a way to explore real world problems, but I feel more free to do that in a fictional setting.  In the world of fiction, I can look at possible repercussions of pressing issues, experiment with new ways of looking at an issue.  And sometimes, it's a matter of pure escapism.

What genres do you write?
Science fiction mostly.  Some fantasy.  There's often a romantic element mixed in with whatever I'm writing.

Are you published?
As a kid, I had a few poems published in various anthologies, as well as a short essay in a small magazine.  I also had a short piece published recently in Nick Wilford's anthology Overcoming Adversity.

Do you do anything in addition to writing?
Besides try to remain sane while taking care of my young boys and keeping our lives in some semblance of order?  Nothing professionally.  I've considered learning to do things like cover art, but I haven't yet tried my hand at it.  Maybe someday.

Where can people connect with you?
First of all, there are many options for following this blog.  In the sidebar, you'll find what you need to follow through GFC, Bloglovin', Networked Blogs, and by email.  Just scroll down and look beneath the rotating map of Earth.

You can also follow me through Google + (follow this link or look in my sidebar).

My Twitter name is @LGKeltner.  You can follow the link or look in the sidebar for the Twitter button.

I also have a Facebook page.  You can find it HERE or click on the Facebook badge in the sidebar.

You can also find me monthly at the Insecure Writer's Support Group.

So, yeah.  If you really want to find me, I'm around.  Feel free to follow me!


  1. Thanks for mentioning the IWSG! You rock.

  2. Hi, L.G.
    Nice masthead.Trying to stay sane is a good goal to have. :)

  3. Hi L.G.!

    Good luck with the FOLLOWFEST! I host a WRITERLY WISDOM WEDNESDAY on my blog ( where authors, agents, and illustrators chat about writing and the publishing industry. I'd love to have you join us!

    Take care,

    Donna L Martin

  4. Nice to meet you!! I'm an IWSG-er, too :)

  5. I'll have to go check out your links. BTW, I love your banner! Tara did a great job with it!

  6. Those romantic elements keep the world spinning, in my opinion. :) Nice to meet you!

  7. Stopping by from Follow Fest! Like the variety of topics on your blog and checked out the posting schedule. Looking forward to following.

  8. Awww I am sure you do a great job with your kids, and getting things published young must have been amazing. I already follow you and enjoy your blog, but I look forward to getting to know you better at any rate. :)

  9. Hi L.G., nice to meet you through Follow Fest. Love your blog!

  10. Science fiction? Yes! Following you on Twitter and FB.

  11. Hey LG,

    I was already following your blog, but not too well...I'm hoping with the additional follows, I'll see you on some of the other forums, FB is my main hangout, other than my blog. Come see me sometime.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  12. Thanks to this follow fest, I've connected witha lot of great people passionate about writing!Hope to read one of your works in the future!

  13. Hello, LG, we meet again. Really liking this follow fest. Meeting lots of new people and reconnecting with others.

  14. Hey LG! Pretty much following you everywhere already, but since you write spec fic, I thought I'd invite you to my G+ community for spec fic writers. :-)

  15. Hi LG! I've been following your blog, but now I am everywhere else, lol!

  16. Hi LG. I was already following you everywhere, but it's nice to catch up with you again and learn more about your interests. :) Writer’s Mark

  17. Glad to meet you. The spinning world says you're in Georgetown, Texas. Great place. I'm in Longview now, but dream of being back in that part of Texas. I liked it much better than here.

  18. Hi LG. I'm catching up from follow fest! Nice to meet you.

  19. I'm finally getting around to all the FF posts I didn't check "back then". So here I am. :) I've written sci-fi and fantasy as well. And I love to read both.

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