
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to Date a Nerd Blog Hop

The rockin' Cassie Mae has reason to celebrate as her book How to Date a Nerd is now available for your reading pleasure!  And as part of her celebration, she's hosting a blog hop!

There is an amazing prize package to be won by a lucky participant!  It includes NERDS candy, Nerdy t-shirts, a signed copy of How to Date a Nerd, How to Date a Nerd keychains and buttons, and Spiderman 3 on DVD.

Sounds good, right?  I thought so!  If you'd like to join in, there's still time!  The rules are simple.

Post an answer to this question: What is the nerdiest thing about you?
Post the blog hop picture on your post and on your sidebar.
Post the Goodreads link to How to Date a Nerd.

Here.  I'll post the Goodreads link, along with a few others.  That way you have many reading options available to you!


Barnes and Noble 

So, without further adieu, here is my nerdy blog hop contribution.

“Nerd. One whose unbridled passion for something, or things, defines who they are as a person, without fear of other people's judgement.” 
Zachary Levi

“If you like nerds, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards.” 
- Violet Haberdasher

“I think, that if the world were a bit more like ComicCon, it would be a better place.” 
- Matt Smith

“Sci-fi nerds are respectful, honorable. You can trust them.
-Claudia Christian 

I'm a certifiable word nerd.  See how I couldn't resist looking up quotes and using them to define what it means to be a nerd?  It's a compulsion I can't turn off.  And, also being a sci-fi nerd, I had to include Ivanova's words of wisdom.  (Bonus points to anyone who gets this reference!)

This isn't the only way I prove my verbal nerdiness.  I'm a writer.  I think by definition, all writers have to be verbal nerds to some degree.  Otherwise, why would we subject ourselves to hours of torment as we search for the right way to tell a story?  It can be torturous sometimes, but we soldier on because we love telling stories too much to give it up.

I also do something on occasion that might have some people thinking me rather silly.  Yet I embrace my nerdiness, and I am not afraid to reveal the truth here.  One of my friends from college frequently talks to me on Facebook.  Our conversations frequently take a turn for the weird.  What do you mean by that, you may ask.  Well, we reminisce about our days at the Star Fleet Academy, and talk about the time we got in trouble for stealing a shuttle craft.  We joke about our crazy spring break on Risa, and we wonder what it would be like to captain a star ship.

And, by the way, we talk about this in all seriousness, like it actually happened. My love for Star Trek runs that deep.

Then again, my love for sci-fi in general runs that deep.  I'd probably do this for Firefly, Star Wars, Babylon 5, and Doctor Who as well.  My love for narrative is just that strong.

Still, I'm not crazy.  You can trust me.  Claudia Christian says so.


  1. Oh yes, all writers are word nerds. We just can't help ourselves, and why should we? Words are what we do! ;)

    I shared what makes me a nerd on my blog if you'd like to check out. :)

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. This post was so great!

    Words are the best.

    Star Trek nerds are even more awesome.

    And I love that you quote people. I wish I had that good of a memory, but my kids stole it from me, lol.

    Thank you for hopping!

  3. Great quotes.
    Embrace your inner nerd!

  4. I love the Violet Haberdasher quote. And stealing a shuttle craft seems pretty cool to me. Maybe your not as nerdy as you think. (LOL - just kidding).
