
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Novel Films Blogfest: Day #3

If you're visiting for IWSG, you can find my post HERE.

Now, it's time for me to move on to the subject of this post.

Today is the last day of Madeleine Sara's Novel Films Blogfest.  This has been a fun blogfest, and I'm glad I joined in on the fun.

The question today is this: Have you read any novels where you have yet to see the films/TV adaptations?

I usually see films based on books I've enjoyed, so there aren't that many that fit into this category.  Still, I thought of a couple to share with you.

The Handmaid's Tale by Maragret Atwood
I read this book in college when I was writing a paper about how science fiction deals with the issues surrounding human reproduction.  I knew there was a film based on the book, but for one reason or another, I simply haven't seen it.  This film is just one of those that I haven't gotten around to seeing.

The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton
I read the book, of course, because I love Michael Crichton's books.  I've probably read most of them.  As for the film, I'm not sure why I haven't seen it.  I simply haven't.  I guess it's just one of those things.

I'm sure there are others.  There are so many movie and TV adaptations out there that I may simply not know that they exist.  You know how it is.  There are so many wonderful books and films to be consumed and so little time.  How can anyone possibly be bored?


  1. I haven't read any of Crichton's books, but really want to. I read most of the Handmaid's Tale in high school as we studied it in English, but ironically despite writing high-scoring essays on it, etc., I never actually finished it (my English teacher was horrified).

  2. Andromeda Strain was a favorite for me. I didn't know there was an adaptation to film for it. I must have missed it somehow.
    I don't follow films enough to know any others, except maybe Agatha Christie. Her books were made into films, but I haven't seen them all.

  3. A fun blogfest L.G! The book was better (of course), but the movie is really tense. The miniseries was hokey, so I'd skip it.

  4. Did see the movies have not read the books!

    Did watch a new take on Jane Ayre several weeks ago and it was disgusting!
