
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Express Yourself: Trick-or-Treat Candy

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is made possible by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

This week's prompt is: Which Halloween candy were you most excited to see in your Trick-or-Treat bag (kids bags count)?

Mmm.  Candy.  As an adult, I still look forward to Halloween for the candy, even though I now have to purchase it to get any.  Aside from the pieces of candy my kids are too young to eat on their own, of course.

I'd have to say chocolate accounts for the bulk of my favorite Halloween candies.  I love Reese's Penatur Butter Cups, Snickers bars, and things of that nature.  Chocolate is always okay in my book.

I also enjoy candy corn.  Maybe part of that is due to the tradition of it.  It's just a natural part of Halloween for me.

What's your favorite Halloween candy?


  1. I've always wondered what candy corn tastes like!

  2. Snickers bars - yes! And Peanut Butter Cups.

  3. Almond Joys or Mounds, or if the Fates smile on me -- that rare, magical, mystical, and prefect blend of both: An Almond Joy with dark chocolate instead of the usual bland milk chocolate.

    Mmmmmm.... Almonds, coconut, and dark chocolate -- the holy trinity of confectionery perfection!

  4. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! Great choice!

  5. It's all good, but I'm very partial to a Crunchie!

  6. My favorite when I was a kid was the Musketeers Bar, still is. Umm, Umm good!

  7. Mmmmm! Nothing beats Reese's Peanut Butter Cups as the Numero Uno chocolate candy on Halloween for me. Yummy. My favorite non-chocolate has always been Bottle Caps. Since I'm an all around candy lover, I'm not all that picky though... :)

  8. Good post, I just joined today and posted, fun and it brought back a pleasant memory! Happy Halloween!!
