
Friday, November 1, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-November 1, 2013

Hey, it's Friday!  That means it's once again time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

Overall, I've had a pretty fantastic week!  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I managed to carve a pretty elaborate pumpkin.  I was proud of the result, though it came at the expense of my poor, aching hands.  The amazing Alex J. Cavanaugh also featured my pumpkin in a post this week, so that really boosted my confidence.  Thanks for that!

My son Jude also got his first school pictures back this week, which reminds me of how quickly he's growing up.

Spooktoberfest rocked as well.  Jackie chose my piece "Subscribe" as a runner-up, which is always flattering.  The competition was full of fantastic stories, and I'm honored to be recognized.  You can find Jackie's list of winners HERE, and Dani's list of winners HERE.

I also found out that I won a free ebook from a giveaway done by the amazing Yolanda Renee.  Yay!  Thank you!

And lastly, I would like to celebrate the fact that we were able to take our kids trick-or-treating twice this week.  My husband had Wednesday night off work, so we took the kids out of town so he could join in on the experience.  Then on Halloween, I took my boys out by myself.  I'm amazed I survived it, but I did!  I also figured I'd show you a picture of them in their costumes.

Jude is the creepy skeleton, Lyle is in the middle as
Scooby Doo, and their cousin Asher is the gorilla.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I saw your pumpkin at Alex's - amazing job! Glad you had a happy Halloween, the kids look so cute.

  2. Congratulations on being a runner up, your story deserved it! Your pumpkin carving was definitely better than mine, mine was just a standard cat face :)

  3. Aww to the kids :D

    Congrats on being a runner up, and what an awesome carved pumpkin!

  4. Loved the pumpkin. Can I commission you to carve mine next year?

  5. Your kids look great! So did they get two nights of trick-or-treating? And of course I featured that pumpkin - it's awesome!

  6. Congrats! Sounds like lots of places to find you and lots to celebrate this week
    ~ Rhonda, celebrating at Laugh-Quotes

  7. I still can't get over the awesomeness of that pumpkin!

  8. What a cute pic in their outfits :) and that is one amazing pumpkin.

  9. Congratulations! Spooktoberfest was a lot of fun! Great that your hubby was able to join you trick or treating - twice, no less :) Very happy for you and hope your weekend is going as well as your week!
