
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Announcing the Endings Blogfest

My second blogging anniversary is fast approaching.  It's crazy to think that it's been nearly two years since the day I sat down and said to myself, "Hey, why don't I start a blog?"

Last year I hosted The Beginnings Blogfest to celebrate my blogging anniversary.  This year, I wanted to do something along the same lines, but a little bit different.  Instead of focusing on beginnings, I wanted to focus on endings.

My blogging journey is nowhere near and end, nor is my writing journey.  Yet there are always endings in life.  Even as life goes on, some chapters come to a close.  Sometimes we change jobs, or we move.  With that in mind, I came up with The Endings Blogfest.

The Rules

The rules for this blogfest are simple enough.  

Sign up!

Display the badge on your blog!

Sometime during the day of January 9th, post about some kind of ending.  [Note: If you want to participate but can't post on that day, just let me know what day you plan to post in the comments.  I'm pretty flexible!]  Please include the badge in your post as well.

What kind of endings can you post about?  Any kind you can think of!  For example:
-You can talk about the ending of a book, movie, or TV series that impacted you in a significant way (whether good or bad).  
-If you're a writer, you can talk about how you deal with endings in your stories.  Do you know how a story will end when you sit down to write it?  What kind of endings do you prefer (happy, sad, open-ended, etc.)?
-If you'd prefer to deal with real life, you can talk about a graduation, the ending of a relationship, or anything else that you feel deals with a significant ending of some kind.
-Or, if you'd prefer, you could write some flash fiction or poetry about endings.

You can also include the linky list in your post with the following code: <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>

Basically, if you know me, you know I'm pretty relaxed about what people choose to post for my blogfests.  I don't want to hamper your creativity too much!  Just sign up and have fun with it!

Also, if you have a Twitter account, you can help me out by tweeting about this blogfest with the hashtag #EndingsBlogfest.  I'd really appreciate it!

If you have any questions, just ask!


  1. Might have to sign up for that! Will probably post on January 8 since I don't post on Thursdays. Can certainly spread the word for you though!

  2. Would need to put the post on schedule but I'm in! :)

  3. Ooh, endings are always good for some spirited debate! I'll have to check in on these posts. ;)

  4. Wow- the timing for this could not be more perfect. My last day at my job is January 10th! Thanks for this L.G., it really is just the perfect way to share and I'm psyched to be celebrating your second blogoversary.

  5. This sounds like fun, endings have been on my mind lately. Perfect opportunity to help you celebrate and also talk on blog about my "findings" :)

  6. That is a really beautiful badge--I love pictures of the cosmos.

  7. Hi I have submitted my link. I am very excited it is the first Blogfest I have ever taken part in. xx

  8. I'm in! I've missed doing blogfests and this sounds like fun!

  9. Haven't signed up for a blogfest in ages! Looks like a ton of fun, even though I'm joining late :P Congrats on your two year anniversary.
