
Friday, January 10, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-January 10, 2014

It's Friday, so let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

My second blogoversary was awesome!  Thanks to those of you who posted for my Endings Blogfest, and for those who stopped by to comment on the posts. Those who participated had some wonderful things to share, from poetry to quotes to favorite film and book endings. Seriously, you're all amazing!

I'm having another good week of writing, so I'm happy about that.

The weather here is slightly better.  We're not dealing with subzero high temperatures right now, so that's definitely an improvement.

My son Jude has the day off school today for a teacher inservice, so we'll probably spend half of the afternoon being silly.  His little brother Lyle will certainly appreciate it.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad to hear you've had a good writing week! Mine has been somewhat sketchy but I'm hoping to get some more time today!

  2. Glad you had a good turnout for the blogfest! Sorry I didn't get a chance to participate.

  3. Congrats on a good writing week, hopefully I'll be able to say that next week. The blogfest was a lot of fun :)

  4. Wonderful celebrations to be sure! Best of the weekend to you! :)

  5. Yay for a good writing week! I hope to have one of those next week, I need it. Have fun with the boys today :D

  6. More cheers for your great writing week! And for being silly. :) Our school was canceled all week long because of the cold. I'll be happy to get back into the regular schedule come Monday. Have a good weekend!

  7. Silly with your son sounds so wonderful, and warm.

  8. Sounds like you've had a good week! Sometimes that's enough to celebrate...

  9. Congrats on a good writing week! :)

  10. Nothing wrong with spending your day with your kid being silly. And Congrats! on an excellent writing week!
