
Friday, January 17, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-January 17, 2014

Yay!  It's Friday!  That means it's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit.

I have a number of small victories to celebrate this week.  First of all, I finally located a notebook that I misplaced about a month ago.  It's a good thing too, because it has a bunch of handwritten notes for which there are no backups.

I also managed to fix one of my favorite necklaces.  The chain on it is very thin and delicate, and it had become badly knotted.  It took about an hour of patient fiddling, but I succeeded in untangling it.  That means I can wear it again! Jewelry, while beautiful, can be frustrating at times.  That being said, I'll never complain about receiving it as a gift.

I'm also going to celebrate the fact that I saw the following video.  I watched it when I was feeling particularly frustrated, and it gave me a much needed laugh!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Oh my God - the guy asking for nude college girls!!!

  2. The Google guy's expressions are priceless!

  3. That's the worst thing about necklaces, they tangle so easily! Glad you found your notebook :)

  4. Small victories are always worth celebrating! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I'm noting all these keywords. I may need them if I ever meet Mr. Google.

  6. Hurrah for small victories! Successfully completing a detangle is satisfying.

  7. Man, I've done that misplacing notes thing, too, and it always drives me nuts! Glad you found the notebook.
